Friday, December 27, 2019

Three French Hens

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We had planned to make deviled eggs for this day, but since the recipe we wanted to try contains bacon and today is Friday (we don't eat meat on Fridays), we will make those eggs tomorrow.  We did read a funny picture book, though, called Three French Hens

Eigentlich wollten wir heute gefüllte Eier machen, aber da das Rezept, das wir ausprobieren wollten, gebratenen Speck beinhaltet, und wir freitags kein Fleisch essen, haben wir uns die Eier für morgen vorgenommen.  Wir haben aber ein lustiges Bilderbuch über drei französische Hühner gelesen.  

We do light the candles on our tree each night, sing, and read stories.  Tonight is also the last day to hand in our grades.  I just finished mine, but Peter has one more hour left to finish his.  Then we have to start writing syllabi for the upcoming semester. 

Wir machen jeden Tag die Weihnachtsbaumkerzen an, singen Lieder und lesen Geschichten.  Heute abend ist auch der Abgabetermin für unsere Semesternoten.  Ich habe meine gerade abgegeben, aber Peter arbeitet immer noch an seinen.  Er hat noch eine Stunde, bis 23 Uhr, bevor sie fällig sind.  Dann muß die neue Semesterplanung anfangen.  Auch unsere Lehrpläne dafür müssen wir zu Semesterbeginn einreichen.   


  1. Hello Eva, you keep very busy between final school requirements and the fun twelve days projects :) We've had a lot of rain these past few days. I'm hoping it stops tomorrow.

    1. We also got some rain, but tonight it is supposed to turn into snow. Yes, I have not had much rest these days. Right now I am also working on our Christmas letter. Peter finished it, but I have to translate it into German and then add pictures and borders. You will get it soon. Thanks for the pretty card with the three young women you sent. It is a good picture.

    2. I always enjoy reading your Christmas letter. I've been negligent about wrapping up the little things I have for you and San. Pluto's accident set me back a little bit :) I hope to get them out tomorrow.

    3. We are so late with everything this Christmas as well, no worries! I finally bought envelopes today and will wrap things up tomorrow. Peter will print out the letters and then we will all sign them.


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