American Amazon links are paid links.
Flora: Grade 9
Literature: CenterforLit Junior High, Booklist for Class (The Black Arrow (Reading Guide Logos Press)✅, Island of the Blue Dolphins (Study Guide TPT, Novel-Tie Guide)✅, Short stories, The Prince and the Pauper (Study Guide TPT), The Hiding Place (Study Guide TPT), The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again (Study Guide TPT), (Novel-Tie Guide), A Tale of Two Cities (Progeny Press Study Guide), Romeo and Juliet (Study Guide Progeny Press), Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy (Novel-Tie Guide), Simply Charlotte Mason: Shakespeare Play Tips, World of Shakespeare Sticker Book (finish), The Bard and the Book, "Traditions in the Short Story": America Reads: Traditions in Literature
Independent Studies Literary Analysis
Composition: Hake 8 (continue), Put That in Writing (first half of book)
Vocabulary: Vocabulary 8 for Young Catholics, (Words and Vocabulary), Rummy Roots card game (continue)
Spelling: The Word Wasp (continue), Sequential Spelling 4 (continue), Sequential Spelling 5 (Spring)
Dictation: SpellingYouSee F (Ancient Achievements)
Grammar: Hake 8 (continue)
Poetry: During circle time
Handwriting: Schreibschule der deutschen Schrift (continue)
Library Skills: Complete Library Skills (continue)
Reading Comprehension: Reading 7 (continue), then Daily Reading Comprehension (continue)
Alphabetter (continue)
(RightStart Math F (finish, 74 lessons left), RightStart Math: A Hands-on Geometry Approach*) (We have the first edition and will use what we have.)
Calculadder Level III and up, Zahlenfuchs 4 (continue)
Friendly Physical Science, (Exploring Creation with Physical Science)
Memoria Press Geography III (Africa, Europe)
My World of Neighbors (Africa, Europe)
World History/American History:
Early American and World History (Beautiful Feet) (89 lessons, 2 per week, continue in summer) with The World of Columbus and Sons, The World of Captain John Smith, Poor Richard, Johnny Tremain, George Washington's World, Of Courage Undaunted*, The Great Little Madison, Abraham Lincoln's World
Early American History: Natives, Colonists, and Revolutionaries (Live Ed)
Master Books British History (Teacher Guide) (daily), English Heritage
Complete Book of World History (finish)
Religion: Introduction to Catholicism
The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Catechist Guide
The Young People's Book of Saints
(The Catholic Youth Bible, Bible reading plan), Bible online, Imitation of Christ
Movies Ignatius Press, Formed Documentaries, Formed Saints
Local art classes
Music/Composer Study:
History of Classical Music: Lessons 1-20, Meet the Great Composers 1 (Bach, Scarlatti, Handel, Haydn, Clementi, Mozart)
Vivaldi, Corelli
Videos: The Composers' Specials Teacher's Guide for Bach's Fight for Freedom, Handel's Last Chance (Lib.)
CDs: (Classical Kids): Song of the Unicorn (Lib.), Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery (Lib.), Mr. Bach Comes to Call (Lib.), Mozart's Magic Fantasy (Lib.)
Music Masters CDs, The Gift of Music, Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers, The Story of the Orchestra, Composers Card Game, The Farewell Symphony, Musical Genius
Library books: Stradivari, the Violin-Maker
Other: All About the Symphony Orchestra, Music Activities Kit (continue), violin, recorder, alto recorder
Getting Started with French (Continue Lesson 31)
Breaking the French Barrier 1*
French for Everyone Junior (Vocabulary) Audio
Lernbox Französisch AOL Grundwortschatz
Skoldo French Book 3 (Finish)
Aufsatz (Geschichten erzählen, Kreatives Schreiben) (finish)
Gezielt fördern Intensivkurs LRS 5./6. Klasse (finish)
Gezielt fördern Intensivkurs LRS 7./8. Klasse*
Grammatik (finish)
Elefantenbuch 4 (continue)
Die deutschen Klassiker Goethe und Schiller: Schiller für Kinder, Schillers Wohnhaus, Das Lied von der Glocke, Der Verbrecher aus verlorener Ehre, Wilhelm Tell, Goethe für Kinder, Goethe, Skizzen eines Lebens, Goethe Institut: Goethe, Der geheime Bericht über den Dichter Goethe, "Der Zauberlehrling", "Erlkönig", "Heidenröslein", "Gefunden"
Weitere Literaturideen:
So zärtlich war Suleyken, Er hieß Jan, Das Fräulein von Scuderi, Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe, Kleider machen Leute✅, Pole Poppenspäler, Biedermann und die Brandstifter, Besuch der alten Dame, Die Judenbuche, Der Richter und sein Henker, Krabat, Das Erdbeben in Chili, Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl,
Lernbox Grammatik
Lernbox Rechtschreibung
Nachts, im Mondschein, lag auf einem Blatt
Getting Started with Latin (finish)
Ecce Romani (older edition)
Grundwortschatz Latein Lernbox
Fallacy Detective, Critical Thinking Detective Math Beginning (continue), Comprehension Detective (continue)
The Good and the Beautiful Typing 3
Home Economics/Driver's Ed:
How to Be a Person, Driver's Manual NYS, The Driving Book, Home ec online free
Main Lessons:
- Science: Physics: Inventions & Technology (God's Design) September
- Earth Science/Geography: World Physical Geography, Lyrical Earth Science (First four chapters) October
- Biology: Anatomy and Physiology: Life Science for Young Catholics (Chapters 8-16), Kovacs: Muscles and Bones: Ch. 35-48, DVD: Biology 101, Blood and Guts, Peter geht auf Knochenjagd, Planet Schule Muskeln November/December
- History: Rebellions: Live Education!: Revolutionaries and Romantics, Kovacs: The Age of Revolution: Ch. 1-16, Great Britain: Engineering an Empire: Britain Blood and Steel, Viewing Guide January
- Art History: Cave Artists to the High Renaissance: BBC: Sister Wendy's Story of Painting (Episodes 1-4), Art History Rick Steves (Episodes 1-8), make an art history notebook with postcards (Taking the Mystery out of Studying Art History, by Jennifer Steward, out of print), Famous Paintings Cards February
- History: Revolutions: Live Education!: Revolutionaries and Romantics, Kovacs: The Age of Revolution: Ch. 17-34, Novel: The Scarlet Pimpernel, Napoleon: Steel Monster, Viewing Guide, Russia, Viewing Guide March
- English: The History of Theater: PBS, Dramenformen, Die deutschen Kleinstädter, The Three Theban Plays April, May, June
- Prayer/Meditation: Prayers for Everyday, Die Weisheit wächst wie ein Baum (daily)
- Music: The Story of Music in 50 Pieces (twice weekly)
- Art: Catholic World Culture (once weekly)
- Habits: Girls, You're Important, Self-Knowledge (Ourselves) by Charlotte Mason: Term 1: Book 1: pp. 1-32, Term 2: Book 1: pp. 33-65, Term 3: Book 1: pp. 66-98, Beautiful Girlhood (twice weekly), Manners Monday
- Poetry: The Harp and Laurel Wreath (The Dialectic Stage), Daily Poem Podcast (twice weekly), Künstlerisches Sprechen im Schulalter, Child's Introduction to Poetry (Reference), German poems, The Daily Poem (New Site)
- Singing: Catholic Hymn Study (Our Catholic Hymns), alternate with folksongs (twice weekly), Waldorfsongs
- History: Tales from Westminster Abbey, Tales from St. Paul's Cathedral, Great Moments in Catholic History, New York State in Story (once weekly)
- Geography: Geography: A Literature Approach (once weekly)
- Nature: Nature's Program (September - December; June), The Kids' Nature Book, London's Nature Calendar, London Wildlife Trust, Tarnung und Tricks im Reich der Tiere, Trees Every Child Should Know, Mein großes Buch der Fragen und Antworten (once weekly), books by Richard Headstrom (Suburban Wildlife, The Living Year)
- News: CNN10, Rome Reports (daily, weekly)
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