Sunday, June 4, 2023

Jonathan: Leesburg

It is Trinity Sunday!  Jonathan sent these pictures from Leesburg, VA, today.  This is where he is doing his Blackstone seminar.  He photographed places which I visited with all five children while Peter was at his AEI conference in 2021.  

Heute ist Dreifaltigkeitssonntag!  Jonathan hat uns diese Fotos aus Leesburg in Virginia geschickt, wo er sich zu Zeit für sein Seminar aufhält.  Er hat die Dinge fotografiert, die ich mit allen fünf Kindern 2021 besucht habe, während Peter dort an einem Seminar teilgenommen hat.  

Jonathan: "Goose Cup"

Jonathan: Dodona

Jonathan: Old Catholic chapel

Jonathan: St. John the Apostle

Tee Time on Sunday: Cream puffs with whipped cream and strawberries (Miriam and Charlotte were the bakers.)

Kaffeetrinken am Sonntag: Windbeutel mit Erdbeeren und Schlagsahne (Miriam und Charlotte waren die Bäckerinnen.)


  1. Such lovely memories :) and the cream puffs with strawberries look amazing!

    1. Yes, I was impressed that he had not forgotten one thing and took pictures for us. We had a good week there. The girls did a good job with the baking!


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