Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Summer Solstice/Sommersonnenwende

Flora and I went for a walk before breakfast this morning (we do that every morning).  It was so foggy!

Flora und ich sind heute morgen vor dem Frühstück spazieren gegangen (wir machen das jeden Morgen).  Es war sehr neblig!

There were so many birds singing, it sounded like walking in a jungle.
Die Vögel haben wir im Dschungel gesungen.

Good morning, little friend!
Guten Morgen, kleiner Freund!

Food for the fairies for Midsummer night!
Feenessen zum Mittsommerfest!


  1. How lovely, Eva. Plus, I didn't know the words for Summer Solstice before. Yay for new seasonal vocab!

    1. Thanks so much! And yes, there is the "Sommersonnenwende" and the "Wintersonnenwende" (und die "Tagundnachtgleiche" im Frühling und Herbst). I think the word "Sommersonnenwende" is a really good word to practice pronunciation.


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