Thursday, June 1, 2023


Flora did her math with Hadley, our neighbor's dog, today.  She was dog-sitting him.
Flora hat heute ihre Mathe mit Hadley, dem Hund von nebenan gemacht, um den sie sich heute gekümmert hat.


  1. Lovely photo, Hadley looks to be a real cutie. Well done to Veronika on passing her written drivers test and thank the Lord, she found her earring 🙂. Hope you managed to get the freezer done today xx

    1. Thanks, San! Hadley is quite cute, but can get very loud when he gets excited (like spotting Flora or one of us). Veronika is happy and is eager to start practicing the real thing. I said the St. Anthony prayer and am sure it helped them. Yes, I did the freezer. My next project is using wood polish on the cabinets in the kitchen.


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