Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Summer Projects/Sommerprojekte

I finally swept the deck and also applied wood polish to one of the kitchen cabinets.
Ich habe endlich die Terrasse gefegt und auch einen Küchenschrank poliert.

Our read-aloud for supper right now is Puckis erster Schritt ins Leben.  Miriam gave it to me for my birthday earlier this year.  There is no English translation.

Unser Vorlesebuch nach dem Abendessen ist Puckis erster Schritt ins Leben, das mir Miriam zum Geburtstag geschenkt hat.

And we read this book (paid link) about how Mr. Binney and Mr. Smith invented the Crayola crayons.

Und dann haben wir noch ein Bilderbuch über Herrn Binney und Herrn Smith gelesen, die die amerikanischen Wachsmalstifte Crayola erfunden haben.

Paid link

Miriam and Peter drove to East Aurora to pick up a few winter coats we had taken there to have dry-cleaned.  They also dropped off a few necklaces that needed to be repaired.  They went grocery shopping as well.  Miriam drove all the way there and back and had to handle more and faster traffic, round-abouts, parking, more lanes, etc.  She did very well and the car is still in one piece.

Miriam und Peter sind nach East Aurora gefahren.  Sie haben einige Wintermäntel bei der Reinigung abgeholt, einige Ketten zur Reparatur weggegeben und waren einkaufen.  Miriam ist die ganze Strecke hin- und zurückgefahren und mußte sich so mit stärkerem Verkehr, Kreiseln, anderen Parkplätzen, mehren Spuren und höheren Geschwindigkeiten auseinandersetzen.  Sie hat das alles gut geschafft, und das Auto ist noch ganz heile.


  1. lol :) I'm glad Miriam did well with the car (on such a busy day of errands). Good work on your deck and cabinets! I still have several wool hats to wash in a basket that I forgot about (it was hidden beneath a shelf).

    1. There was a thick layer of bird seed on that deck and lots of needles from our Christmas tree; not a pretty sight! I think the driving to East Aurora gave her a big boost in confidence! Now we have to work on parking. I always wait for good weather to wash my woolens so I can hang them out to dry. I still have a few curtains, futon covers, and duvets left that need to be washed, but the weather has not cooperated at all recently. I am also wiping the kitchen walls and ceiling with vinegar water. They are so greasy!

  2. P.S. The Crayon Man looks like a fun and interesting read!

    1. I have never liked those crayons, but the history behind them is very interesting!


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