Sunday, May 17, 2020


This Sunday, the hummingbirds came back!  Now all the regular birds have come back.  We "went" to church in New York City, at St. Patrick's Cathedral.  The German churches are open again, so we are not "going" to church there anymore. 

Diesen Sonntag sind die Kolibris zurückgekommen!  Jetzt sind alle "normalen" Vögel wieder da.  Heute haben wir die heilige Messe in New York, in der St. Patricks Kathedrale gefeiert.  Die deutschen Kirchen haben fast alle wieder auf, aber wir hier noch nicht, also ist alles weiterhin online.  

Charlotte baked this cake today.  She used tangelos.  It was a very juicy and delicious cake.  
Charlotte hat diesen Kuchen aus Minneolas gemacht, sehr saftig und lecker.  

This grackle also said "hello."
Dieser Grackel hat uns auch besucht.  


  1. You were in our town today! How are German churches handling the return?

    The hummingbirds are lovely, and I've never heard a grackle. I'll have to consult the Audubon website :)

    1. Yes, didn't you see us? We are hard to miss . . . My brother has a lot of rules in his church: Only two people per pew are allowed, all need masks, different entrances and exits, no singing, hand sanitizing, no walking up for communion (the priest comes to you), and more. It does not sound very appealing to me.

      They are kind of loud birds when they want to be.

    2. No, that doesn't sound very appealing to me either. This is very difficult . . and sad too. But I suppose we must make the best of things and stay positive. I would imagine that the congregation may need to take turns attending, as with only two people per pew, not everyone could fit in.

    3. I think some churches make you apply for a ticket to get in, others cast lots. That is also not ideal. I prefer the online version to those choices.

  2. Die Vögel bei uns im Garten lassen sich nie so gut fotografieren wie bei Euch, toll ist das.

    1. Ich glaube, sie sind hier alle recht zahm, nur wenn zu viele Katzen auftauchen, schimpfen sie.


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