Thursday, October 31, 2019


Our Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019

Selecting pumpkins at our usual farm stand.
Wir suchen Kürbisse bei unserem Bauern aus.  

The girls called this the octopus pumpkin.
Die Mädchen haben diesen den Krakenkürbis genannt.  


Almost dark
Fast dunkel

Ready to go trick-or-treating!
Verkleidet ziehen die Mädchen jetzt durchs Dorf, um Süßigkeiten zu bekommen!

I think they got too much!
Sie haben viel zu viel bekommen!

Completely dark
Ganz dunkel


  1. Love the lanterns! We didn't attend our usual Saints party as I couldn't face dashing out once home from our arts award class. Pip did a good job carving the pumpkin and we had a quiet tea at home. Sending hugs xx

    1. Well, sometimes the quiet days and celebrations are nice as well. The girls always go onto campus for trick-or-treating. Two of the dorms are open for community children to go to on Halloween.

  2. Tolle Fratzen habt Ihr gemacht, die sehen sehr gruselig aus. :-)


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