Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Banana Bread and Library/Bananenbrot und Bücherei (+ Charlotte)

I just got my banana bread out of the oven.  It's for breakfast tomorrow morning, those campers, workers, and drivers around here are all very hungry.

Ich habe gerade mein Bananenbrot aus dem Backofen genommen.  Das habe ich zum Frühstück gebacken, da die Ferienlagerarbeiter, Collegearbeiter und Fahrer bei uns alle sehr viel Hunger haben.  

At the library
In der Bücherei

We started the day by going to morning Mass.  We is Jonathan, Flora and I.  Then we stopped at the library to return some books and pick up some new ones.  Jonathan helped the librarian, who also goes to our church, to move some heavy books.  They had some local antique wedding dresses and paraphernalia on display.  We stopped at the dollar store to get some more potting soil and then drove home.  Jonathan works late this week, meaning he does not start until about 12:00 p.m. and then comes home at 8:00 p.m.  In the afternoon, Flora and I went to the college library to return some books and pick up some books.  We ran into a few people we knew, which was nice.  There are lots of camps going on at the college right now and the main quad looks like a battle zone!  They were actually shooting with bow and arrows for one of their games.  I think this is a church youth camp.  No idea, why bow an arrow shooting is part of their program . . .

Wir haben den Tag mit einer Frühmesse angefangen: Wir, das waren Jonathan, Flora und ich.  Dann haben wir bei der Bücherei angehalten, um Bücher zurückzubringen und andere abzuholen.  Jonathan hat der Bibliothekarin, die auch in unsere Kirche geht, geholfen, schwere Bücher auf ein anderes Regal zu räumen.  Es gab eine kleine Ausstellung mit alten Hochzeitskleidern aus dem Dorf, dazu auch noch Einladungen, Briefe, Zeitungsausschnitte.  Danach ging es weiter zum Billigladen, wo wir Blumenerde gekauft haben.  Jonathan arbeitet diese Woche von 12.00 bis 20.00 Uhr, hat also den Morgen frei.  Nachmittags waren Flora und ich bei der College Bibliothek, wo wir auch Bücher zurückbringen und neue abholen mußten.  Wir haben einige Leute getroffen, die wir kannten, was sehr nett war.  Unser College hat im Moment viele Ferienlager und manchmal sieht der Hauptplatz wie ein Schlachtfeld aus.  Heute haben sie dort sogar mit Pfeil und Bogen geschossen.  Das war irgendein Spiel.  Es ist ein kirchliches Jugendferienlager, warum man da mit Pfeil und Bogen schießen muß, weiß ich wahrhaftig nicht.  

Summer camp at college
Ferienlager beim College

 Second library of the day
Zweite Bücherei des Tages

Children's library
Kinderabteilung in der Bibliothek

 Picking black raspberries on the way home
Wir finden schwarze Himbeeren auf dem Nachhauseweg.

Later, Flora and I did some more repotting.  Peter got home for supper with the girls and afterwards Peter, Flora, and I worked a bit in the yard.  With all the rain and the very wet/humid conditions there is hardly ever a good time to mow the lawn or get rid of weeds.  Sometimes I think we live in a jungle.

Am späten Nachmittag haben Flora und ich dann weiter Pflanzen umgepflanzt.  Peter und die Mädchen kamen dann zum Abendessen.  Nach dem Abendbrot haben Flora, Peter und ich im Garten gearbeitet.  Durch den vielen Regen und der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit gibt es selten eine gute Gelegenheit Unkraut zu zupfen oder Rasen zu mähen.  Manchmal denke ich, wir sind von einem Dschungel umgeben!

And now Peter just came back with Flora from the fire department.  No, we did not have a fire, but the fire department area is the place where we bring caught mice.  We did catch one in our trap.  It walked through our kitchen last night.  I am glad we caught it.

Und gerade ist Peter mit Flora von der Feuerwehr zurückgekommen.  Nein, es hat nicht gebrannt, aber wir lassen immer unsere gefangenen Mäuse beim Gelände der Feuerwehr raus.  Wir haben eine Maus in unserer Falle gefangen, die gestern durch unsere Küche spaziert ist.  Ich bin froh, daß sie jetzt woanders rumläuft. 

Charlotte has sent a lot of pretty pictures and I will post some of them here soon.  Here is a start:
Charlotte hat viele schöne Fotos geschickt, wovon ich einige hier bald hochladen werde.  Hier ist ein kleiner Vorgeschmack:

After attending "Don Quixote": Ivan Zaytsev, who danced the role of Basilio, with Charlotte
Nach dem Ballett Don Quichotte: Ivan Zaytsev, der die Rolle des Basil getanzt hat, mit Charlotte

He posed with a lot of dancers from the intensive for pictures after the performance, not just Charlotte. 😊  Here is a video about it.  If you look closely, you can find Charlotte three times.    

Er hat sich mit vielen Tänzern und Tänzerinnen des Intensivkurses nach der Vorstellung fotografieren lassen, nicht nur mit Charlotte.  😊 Hier ist ein Video davon.  Man kann Charlotte dreimal sehen.   

 Mikhailovsky Theatre, where Don Quixote was performed.
Michailowski-Theater, wo Don Quichotte aufgeführt wurde.  


  1. The children's library is epic! Your banana bread looks delicious I am hoping to make some kind of muffins today.

    Your garden looks very lush as a result of all that rain and your comment about the summer camp on campus made me chuckle 🙂

    I am looking forward to the ' old Pip' returning, just under a week and then we are done. Looks like we are a home school family after all 😀

    1. It has a better selection than the public library, although most books are older. The students that want to become teachers use it a lot.

      Did you make muffins?

      Yes, the garden is very green, but the weeds are twice as big as normally.

      Those remaining years with Pip will go buy fast, pretty soon she will follow in Ben's footsteps. Treasure this time!

    2. The day ran away with me and no muffins made yet! I think it was good for Pip to try school, the main aim was to try and increase a friendship base and I think she has realised that school is not the best place to find friends! Our local nature reserve has just begun a monthly home school forest school and the next session is the 22nd so we are booked on that day :-)

    3. I hope she will find friends at the forest school. Is there some kind of physical activity group she could join? Our girls found friends among the other ballet children.

      Well, there are more days that could be the perfect muffin days!

  2. So many wonderful libraries to visit! The raspberries look good :) That's a sweet photo of Charlotte. It sounds like she's having a lot of fun!

    It is so damp here also. The shower gets incredibly moldy . . It's difficult keeping it clean in the summer.

    You have several very different schedules with Jonathan and Peter sometimes working so late. I always find that difficult with dinner . . having to keep it on the stove and then it's such a late clean up.

    I think it's nice that Pip and San will be homeschooling again.

    1. Kind of funny to have two good libraries in the middle of nowhere :). The campus one is only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the afternoon during the summer.

      Mold is a big problem in the U.S. I wonder why. I cannot just be the humidity.

      Yes, it is extremely difficult with dinner! I still cook our main meal for lunch time and normally I do have a few people that join me for that, last week it was just Flora, though. When Jonathan works early, he eats his at 2:30 p.m. When he works late, he comes home during a break and eats it around 5:30 p.m. Peter eats at Wegmans when he takes people to the summer camps. He does not need a warm meal then anymore. Veronika and Miriam ate their dinner in the evening last week. Next week, only Veronika and Flora will be at camp. Jonathan will be working early again. What I don't like about this crazy schedule is the dishes: I can never finish washing my pots and pans after the midday meal because somebody will still warm up his or her food.

    2. Yes, it sounds like school is not the right choice for Pip.

      P.S. I meant to write "It cannot just be the humidity."

    3. Charlotte seems to enjoy her time, I still have to post some pictures she sent.

  3. The pictures from St. Petersburg are wonderful . . and I agree about the dishes!

    1. Thanks! Especially when it gets so hot I do not look forward to plunging my hands into hot water to scrub some pots :).


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