Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Back Home/Wieder zu Hause

We spent a long day in Canada yesterday.  We traveled to the airport in Toronto to pick up Charlotte.  

Gestern waren wir lange in Kanada.  Wir mußten Charlotte in Toronto beim Flughafen abholen.  

 Still in the U.S.
Noch in den USA

 Driving over the Peace Bridge
Wir fahren über die "Friedensbrücke".

 The border is right in the middle of the bridge.
Die Grenze verläuft genau in der Mitte der Brücke.


 Hard to see, but this is Lake Ontario
Man kann es nicht gut erkennen, aber hier ist der Ontario See.


 Hot day
Heißer Tag

Wir warten

 There she is!
Hier ist sie!

We drove on to have tea time at Ikea.  Afterwards we did some college stuff shopping for Charlotte.  Unfortunately, she lost her phone in the store and after many searches and phone calls, somebody finally found it.  By then it was already 9:00 p.m.!  The drive back home is a long one and we did not get home until 1:00 a.m.  We were all pretty exhausted.

Wir sind danach zu Ikea zum Kaffeetrinken gefahren.  Wir haben auch nötige Dinge für Charlottes Collegewohnheim gekauft, doch dabei hat sie leider ihr Handy verloren.  Bis es endlich wieder aufgetaucht ist (jemand hat es gefunden und abgegeben), war es 21.00 Uhr.  Die Fahrt nach Hause ist ziemlich lang und so waren wir erst um 1.00 Uhr morgens wieder zu Hause.  Wir waren alle ziemlich kaputt.  

 Apparently, I am so famous now, that they named a street after me.
Anscheinend bin ich jetzt so berühmt, daß sie eine Straße nach mir benannt haben.

Charlotte slept until lunch time today.  She was very tired because she had not slept much the last two days in St. Petersburg (they had their gala and a party) and on the plane, it is hard to sleep anyway.  She brought back these sweets for all of us.

Charlotte hat heute bis zum Mittagessen geschlafen.  Sie war sehr müde, weil sie die letzten beiden Tage in St. Petersburg kaum geschlafen hat.  Sie hatten eine große Abschlußtanzvorstellung und Feier und im Flugzeug kann man ja auch nicht so gut schlafen.  


  1. So pleased she arrived home safe and sound. I prayed for a safe journey and sent her good wishes via her Instagram stories 🙂 Sending love to you all xx

    1. I think many people were praying for safe travels and I am so glad that you were among them! Going to Russia is different than going to London . . .

  2. Juchhu, einer ist wieder da! So eine lange Fahrt, wie anstrengend! Jetzt können sich zu Hause erstmal alle erholen.

    1. Ja, sie hat es geschafft! Die Fahrt nach Toronto ist nicht einfach. Die Grenzkontrolle ist nervig und der Verkehr in Kanada ist schrecklich! So viele Autos! Aber die Flüge von dort sind viel billiger als von Buffalo oder Rochester für uns.

  3. Hello Eva, it must be nice to have her back and to hear all about the visit, and also a relief to have found that cell phone! The treats look delicious and isn't it funny to have one's name on a big road sign? xoxo

    1. Yes, she is still recovering from the trip, but had to go back to her campus job today (she still has to pay back the money she borrowed to make this summer intensive possible). And there are few homeschool things that need her attention. College for her will start in less than a month, so there is not much time to get all of the things done that need to get done! She has not told us much about the course because she has been so tired. She also got a cold and the air pressure on the second plane was not right. She could not hear when she got off the plane (all people on that flight had the same problems) and her ears hurt. We are giving her ear drops and it seems to be getting better. So we are still waiting to hear more about her trip until she has recovered a bit more.

      I thought the sign was really funny: Peter said he was going to buy me a house on that street.

      The cell phone odyssey was quite an ordeal. We went through Ikea's display area over and over again to find this phone. I think I have memorized all the furniture now.

      We are waiting to eat those treats until Miriam comes back. They do look enticing, though.

    2. So sorry to hear that Charlotte has been unwell hope she is soon feeling better and that she manages to complete her home school tasks before college x

    3. I think her ears are almost okay again. She is still tired and has to go to work at 7:00 a.m. every morning. She is trying to work on her homeschool things in the late afternoon. Tonight, she went dancing with Jonathan :).


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