Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Last Week of the Semester/Letzte Semesterwoche

Advent at Magdalen
Advent bei Magdalen College
  • I gave my German final yesterday and am now grading my students' workbooks.  Then I have to grade their finals and calculate their grades and hand them in by December 20th.  We had a nice Advent celebration and sing-along with my students on Sunday.
  • Jonathan is taking his law finals this week.
  • Charlotte does not have to teach at the Academy today because the school is closed: Many teachers have Covid.
  • Miriam came home with a bad cold and is resting.  She still has to write a theology paper before her semester is over.
  • Veronika woke up with a really bad sore throat.  On the way to ballet, Peter took her to an urgent care facility: She has strep throat and needs antibiotics.  She still has to take her French oral exam.
  • Flora has to finish Great Expectations by Thursday for her online class.  

  • Ich habe meine deutsche Abschlußklausur gegeben und muß jetzt die Arbeitsbücher meiner Studenten korrigieren.  Die Klausuren und Abschlußnoten müssen bis zum 20. Dezember fertig korrigiert und abgegeben worden sein.  Am Sonntag haben wir schön mit meinen Studenten Advent gefeiert.  Es gab deutsche Kekse und wir haben gesungen.
  • Jonathan hat auch diese Woche Abschlußklausuren.
  • Charlotte muß heute nicht unterrichten, da alle Lehrer an ihrer Akademie Corona haben (nur sie nicht).
  • Miriam ist mit einer dicken Erkältung nach Hause gekommen.  Sie muß noch eine Theologiehausarbeit schreiben, bevor das Semester zu Ende ist.  Im Moment muß sie sich aber auskurieren.
  • Veronika ist mit Halsweh gestern aufgewacht und es war so schlimm, daß wir zu einer Notfallklinik auf dem Weg zum Ballettunterricht gefahren sind.  Der Arzt hat eine Mandelentzündung festgestellt und jetzt bekommt sie Antibiotika.  Sie muß noch eine französische mündliche Prüfung machen.  
  • Flora muß bis Donnerstag "Große Erwartungen" von Charles Dickens fertig bekommen.  Dann hat sie ihre Literaturklasse, wo das Buch besprochen wird.
Miriam singing
Miriam singt.

The icons Miriam's class has been working on.
Die Ikonen aus Miriams Ikonenkurs.


  1. I hope Veronika is all better now. How did her French Oral Exam go? And how did Flora like
    "Great Expectations?" I re-read it a few years ago and enjoyed it immensely; much more than when I was younger I think.

    1. Yes, just a cough that does not want to leave. She did very well on the oral exam. Flora did not like it so much and I do think it was too hard for her age group, but she finished it. I am sure she did not understand it all, but she had her class discussion and learned more about it. I think it is a book you need to read several times.

    2. Yes, and I think it is better understood when one has had more life experiences. I remember that Chanda did not enjoy Nicholas Nickleby and didn't want to finish it. I even tried enticing her with watching the movie, but she wasn't interested.

    3. Ah, too bad she did not finish it. Charlotte and I read that in London and did finish it with the help of an audio version. Maybe Chanda will pick it up later.


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