Thursday, December 28, 2023

Four Calling Birds/Vier Amseln

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me four calling birds.  (You can read a very interesting article about "colly birds" here.

Am vierten Weihnachtstag hat mir mein Liebster vier Amseln gegeben.  

Today we made little Fimo birds.
Heute haben wir Vögel aus Fimo geknetet.


  1. Die sind ja mal wieder superhübsch. Ihr seid so tolle Bastler.

  2. Replies
    1. Danke, Sybille! Das Basteln war wie in alten Zeiten :).

  3. Pretty! We once made tops for knitting needles from FIMO. It was fun and we liked all the colors.

    1. How cute, to make tops for the knitting needles. Fimo has so many interesting colors now!


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