Thursday, December 29, 2022

12 Days of Christmas/12 Weihnachtstage

Like previous years, we are doing a special activity for each of the 12 days of Christmas.  This  year, each boot has a little piece of paper with a Bible quote mentioning a name of God on one side and an activity on the other side that has a connection to the name.  For example, in Psalm 95, God is called "Rock of Salvation."  The activity for that day was to grow your own rock (crystal).

Wie in vergangenen Jahren machen wir für die 12 Weihnachtstage wieder besondere Aktivitäten.  Dieses Jahr habe ich 12 verschiedene Namen für Gott ausgesucht und mir etwas zu jedem Namen ausgedacht.  Bei Psalm 95 steht zum Beispiel, daß Gott der "Fels unseres Heiles" ist.  Als Aktivität haben wir sieben Kristalle (Felsen) angefangen zu züchten.  Jede Aktivität ist mit Bibelspruch in einem der Stiefel im Bild oben versteckt.  

You cannot see much, but there are seven crystals growing, each one has a different color.
Man kann nicht viel sehen, aber in jedem Topf wächst ein Kristall mit einer anderen Farbe.

Another name is "Eternal Life" (1 John 5:11-12).  Each child filled an empty egg shell with a wet cotton ball and sprinkled cress seeds on top.  They are already sprouting!

Ein anderer Name ist "Ewiges Leben" (1 Johannes 5, 11-12).  Jedes Kind hat ein leeres Ei mit einem nassen Wattebäuschchen gefüllt, auf den Kressesamen gestreut worden sind.  Sie fangen schon an zu wachsen.  

5 eggs with sprouting cress
5 Eier mit sprießender Kresse


  1. What a beautiful way to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas. I’m still quite unwell but have enjoyed watching ‘heaven made’ on BBC iPlayer. The programme is in three parts and follow three monasteries on the run up to Christmas it is really well worth a watch ❤️

    1. Oh, hope you will be feeling better soon! I have had a bad cold for a week and this morning I fell hard onto the floor and bumped my knee which is elevated now and needs ice! I will check out the program you mentioned. Have a good start into 2023!

    2. I looked it up, but BBC blocks me from accessing it. Apparently, you cannot watch it outside the UK.

  2. sorry to hear about the knee injury I hope you are ok and what a shame about the programmes, I’ve had that happen to me when I’ve wanted to watch documentaries from the states x

    1. I could not kneel in church today, Peter thinks it will probably take a week to get back to normal. But it is less painful today. You think these documentaries should be available to everybody, but they seem not to be. How sad!

  3. I hope your knee is doing better . . and I don't understand why they block things from one country to another! I've had this experience with documentaries and shows also.

    1. I was able to kneel for a while in church today, but we have cushioned kneelers. I am not able to kneel on our wooden floor yet. But the knee is not so swollen anymore. Yes, that blocking business is very strange in our "global" world.


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