Friday, October 22, 2021

Waterfalls in Fall/Wasserfälle im Herbst

The Genesee River is quite full right now as we could really see when participating in our home ecology class.

Der Genesee Fluß ist im Moment ziemlich voll, wie wir bei der Teilnahme an unserer Naturkundeklasse gut sehen konnten.

My camera has this interesting setting that takes pictures like the ones below.
Mein Fotoapparat macht solche Fotos wie diese hier ganz automatisch, wenn man ihn so einstellt.

The topic of our class today was William Pryor Letchworth and Letchworth Park.
Das Thema unserer Klasse heute war William Pryor Letchworth und der Letchworth Park.

Here we are learning about the pond.  It is gravity fed.  Conrad was happy to see us after a long summer break.
Hier lernen wir etwas über diesen Teich, der nur durch Schwerkraft mit Wasser gespeist wird.  Conrad war froh uns wieder nach einer langen Sommerpause zu sehen.

I only discovered today that the museum in Letchworth Park has the original tombstone of Mary Jemison.
Ich habe erst heute bemerkt, daß der Grabstein von Mary Jemsion in dem Museum im Park ist.

After lunch, Flora had violin lesson and I had to take these pictures because it was so pretty up at her teacher's house.
Nach dem Mittagessen hatte Flora Geigenstunde und ich mußte einfach diese Fotos machen, weil es so hübsch bei dem Haus ihrer Lehrerin aussah.

The "road" to the house.
Die "Straße" zum Haus.

And later, we had one more drive to do, this time to Nutcracker rehearsal for Veronika and Miriam.  The leaves on this bench are crocheted leaves!  Flora and I waited for them in the local bookstore.

Und später sind wir dann zur Nußknackerprobe für Veronika und Miriam gefahren.  Flora und ich haben ein einem Buchladen auf die anderen beiden gewartet.  Diese Blätter da auf der Bank waren gehäkelt.

Peter is busy with his students.  Jonathan had a lunch with the Hertog Foundation and also a lecture.  He thought that the lecture was quite good.  He is part of a reading group there, but I am not sure if they met today only for the lunch or also for the discussions of their readings.  I am not sure what Charlotte did today, except that she was trying to find a good title for one of her choreographed pieces.

Peter ist mit seinen Studenten beschäftigt.  Jonathan hat mit Leuten von der Hertog Stiftung (bei der er im Sommer war) zu Mittag gegessen und einen Vortrag gehört, which he thought was very good.  Er macht da auch eine Literaturgruppe, aber ob die sich heute zum Diskutieren von Literatur getroffen hat, weiß ich nicht.  Was Charlotte heute so genau gemacht hat, weiß ich nicht, aber sie versucht im Moment einen Titel für ein Ballettstück zu finden, das sie selbst choreographiert hat.  

The workers made good progress, but there are still things missing.  They had some extra stones which they added to our driveway to fill some of the puddles.  They forgot to turn back on the water of the washer and I had no idea how to do that because those faucets are in a crawlspace.  Luckily, one of Peter's colleagues came by and helped me out.  This is one of the wonderful things around here: everybody helps everybody. 

Unsere Arbeiter haben Fortschritte gemacht, aber es fehlen noch Sachen.  Außerdem haben sie das Wasser für die Waschmaschine nicht wieder angestellt.  Da ich nicht weiß, wo der Wasserhahn dafür ist (er ist irgendwo in einem "Kriechzwischenraum" -- ich glaube, so etwas Primitives gibt es ein Deutschland nicht), mußte ich schnell Hilfe finden.  Glücklicherweise ist ein Kollege von Peter vorbeigekommen und hat mir ausgeholfen.  Das ist hier im Dorf wirklich schön: Jeder hilft jedem!  


  1. I agree that it's so pretty at her violin teacher's house.

    I love the crocheted leaves, and the day at Letchworth. It's fun coming across artifacts that you hadn't noticed before - like Mary Jemison's gravestone. It must have been at the original grave site in Buffalo. I went back and looked at your post of the new gravesite by the Council House. Is that area east of the river or west of the river?

    It's nice to hear how the older ones are doing too. I wonder what title Charlotte will choose for her dance :)

    1. Yes, it is so peaceful up there and she has a huge porch with a fantastic view.

      Well, the gravestone was in a corner behind a door, no wonder I never noticed it. Also, nobody had ever mentioned it was in the little museum.

      Yes, it was in Buffalo and then people were vandalizing her grave and therefore it was moved to the park. The grave is west of the river. Letchworth Park has most things on the left side of the river.

      I have to ask her, it is her birthday tomorrow! Jonathan is also helping with podcasts for the Europe Desk from Georgetown. He seems to be enjoying that. You can listen to them online.

    2. Happy Birthday! I can't believe it's almost November. I'll have to look up the Europe Desk and listen. That's wonderful he's been helping out. I enjoy podcasts. One can learn so much.

      Thanks for the information about the grave. I can imagine it now when looking at the photo of the waterfall :)

    3. Thanks so much, we talked to her tonight, she had rehearsals and classes all day long. Her choreographed pieces gets performed tomorrow night. The title was "Dreaming Game."

      Jonathan also works for a Georgetown foreign policy magazine, so he is more than busy.

      Ah, but the waterfall is the other direction. If you look at the waterfall, you have to turn to your left, away from it, and keep going downstream. I hope this makes sense. The grave is on the side closest to the person looking at the picture, not across the falls.

  2. Sounds like the work is coming along nicely - we too have lovely neighbours that help out, it’s one of the benefits of living in a small place.

    Your ecology trip sounded fascinating and I loved seeing the waterfall it was very impressive.
    As usual your days are very busy 🙂. The crochet leaves were sweet - we have a whole autumn display not far from us, I’ll have to take a photo. Happy Sunday love San x

    1. Well, we had some setbacks and are waiting for some other people to come tomorrow. When they hooked up the washer and dryer, they made huge mistakes so that both cannot be used right now. I am doing a lot of trips to the laundromat (but the dryers there are not working, so I am trying to hang all our laundry inside). Also, a drain is still missing and the pump needs a different outlet. The garage door won't close properly right now, which attracts mice. It is kind of a mess.

      Yes, our trip was again wonderful. I would love to see your picture of the autumn display.

    2. So sorry to read this Eva what a nightmare - so stressful 😕. Sending hugs and I hope the problems are soon resolved xx

    3. Thanks so much, San! Somebody was here today, taking notes of all the things they still have to do. Maybe a worker will come by tomorrow or on Thursday to continue/fix things. The washer/dryer are also supposed to get fixed on Thursday. It is very stressful and also very expensive.

  3. Die Blätter sind ja toll! Hier war es mal Trend, Baumstämme zu umhäkeln oder umstricken. Wofür das gut sein sollte, weiss ich allerdings nicht, da machen die Blätter für mich schon eher Sinn. Wieder ein schöner Ausflug und ich finde es immer gut, wenn die Kinder viel wissen zu der näheren Umgebung, in der man lebt.

    1. Ja, eine witzige Idee, fand ich auch. Ja, so umstrickte Baumstämme habe ich auch schon gesehen. Vielleicht soll es eine Art Decke sein? Ha, meine Kinder kommen nicht umhin, etwas von der "Heimat" zu lernen! Dafür sorge ich dauernd :).

    2. Vielleicht sind sie mal dankbar dafür! Ich sehe jetzt schon, daß sie auch alleine ein gutes Auge und Ohr für Geschichte um sie herum haben. Also muß etwas hängengeblieben sein.

    3. Ich bin mir sicher, dass die Kinder diesbezüglich "sensibilisiert" sind! Und das finde ich sehr sehr gut.

    4. Ja, ich auch, so können sie mal die Leute werden, die sich für die Erhaltung von Geschichte, auch Lokalgeschichte, einsetzen.


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