Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Eveneng Sky/Sonntagabendhimmel

Beautiful colors after a severe thunderstorm
Wunderschöne Himmelsfarben nach einem starken Gewitter

We went to church in the morning and read and played games in the afternoon.  There was no internet because of the storm.  I read the first part of a book Jonathan found and gave to me.  It is called "A Knickerbocker Tour of New York State, 1822."  It is quite entertaining, describing the traveling of a young man (?) from New York City to Western New York.  He is fleeing the Yellow Fever epidemic!  Here is a digital version if you are interested.  

Heute morgen waren wir in der Kirche und am Nachmittag haben wir gelesen und Spiele gespielt.  Es gab wegen des Gewitters kein Internet.  Ich habe den ersten Teil eines Buches über die Reisen eines jungen Mannes (?) von New York in den Westen des Staates im Jahre 1822 gelesen.  Er flieht vor dem Gelbfieber, das hier sehr verbreitet war.  Jonathan hat dieses Buch für mich gefunden und für Bewohner von New York ist es sehr interessant.  

Charlotte's peach cake
Charlottes Pfirsichkuchen


  1. Der Kuchen sieht ja wunderbar aus und die stimmungsvollen Bilder vom Himmel sind schön. Hat das Gewitter denn ein bisschen Regen gebracht?

    1. Danke! Ja, es hat sogar so stark geregnet, daß wir Angst hatten, es gäbe eine Überschwemmung! Leider ist es heute nicht viel kühler geworden.

  2. What a fun book! Where did Jonathan find it? It has a fabulous map.

    It's a good thing to be without internet sometimes. I love playing games :)

    1. He found it at the St. Vincent College Library. They had free books for anyone who wanted them when they closed down the library for renovations. It is quite entertaining to read.

      Yes, we have too many screens in the world, playing games is a good change of pace.

  3. Replies
    1. Actually, he just corrected me, he found it at a different library, but brought back another book from the St. Vincent library. Anyway, he thought of me twice and was happy to give them to me.

    2. Libraries are such fun to wander through, and Jonathan is very thoughtful :)

    3. Yes, especially when they have book sales! Jonathan can be very thoughtful about things like that, but he forgets to pick up his dirty socks! I think boys/men can be very selective in their thoughtfulness.


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