Friday, July 17, 2020


We had a new kind of fish today called Swai.  It is a pretty bland fish.  
Heute gab es bei uns eine neue Fischsorte, die Basa heißt.   Der Fisch ist sehr mild, fast langweilig.  

Mount Marcy
Berg Marcy, der höchste Berg in New York

Flora made two beautiful drawings for her New York State main lesson.
Flora hat zwei schöne Zeichnungen für ihre New York Epoche gemacht.  

Hudson River
Hudson Fluß

I baked pizza for supper.
Zum Abendbrot habe ich Pizza gebacken.  

Who is reading: Julius or Flora?
Wer liest: Julius oder Flora?

We have a weekend with record high temperatures in the forecast.  This July has been so hot!
Die Wettervorhersage für das Wochenende hat uns Rekordtemperaturen angesagt.  Dieser Juli ist wirklich sehr heiß!


  1. We've never had Swai fish. Cod is one of my favorites.

    I like Flora's map of the Hudson River with the Killifish and other fish along the border . . and the sea gulls at the bottom. It's trajectory is endlessly fascinating to me. I love to think about all the towns and mountains and valleys it passes and then rolls out beneath the Verrazzano and past Coney Island. I had fun just now looking for Lake Tear of the Clouds, and thinking of it beginning so far north in the mountains. "Tarn" is a fun word to say.

    This evening has been one of those evenings which grow warmer and hotter as the minutes tick away. The temperature went down, but the humidity went up, so we all eventually turned into puddles; at least that's the way it felt. Our July has been cooler than yours, but I'm sure that will change! The earthsky website points out that Venus is shining bright with the moon now, an hour before sunrise, and I think Saturn and Jupiter have been shining bright at night. I miss seeing the Astronomy Club up on the High Line during these summer nights. However, I have been enjoying all the cafes and restaurants that now have tables along the sidewalks and curbs. There's a happier feeling in the air, which is nice.

    1. Peter found this fish and thought we should try it. Later I read that it might have high levels of mercury and/or antibiotics -- not good. I like cod, but the girls hate it.

      Flora put so much effort into these pictures. We studied those fish and watched an old movie on the Hudson River when they still had steam boats. It was quite interesting. We also watched a short movie of a father and son hiking to Lake Tear of the Clouds. What a beautiful name! By the way, the German word for "tarn" is "Kar."

      I am glad that life is slowly returning back to normal for you. We don't have any cafes/restaurants to speak of, so I cannot judge if there is a change or not. Maybe you should download the Stellarium software and have your own club.

    2. Thanks for the Stellarium suggestion. I'm going to try it . . I'm not sure if there's enough memory on my computer, so maybe it's better for me to use the web version. I'll talk with Greg about it tomorrow.

    3. I have never tried the web version, but we have used the Stellarium a lot. Right now it is not on this laptop, but it was on my old one. Maybe I should download it again.

  2. Raining yet again at this end 😞. I think the sun is scheduled to put in appearance some time tomorrow! Life is certainly very different isn’t it? I forgot to say on my post that couldn’t be posted your lovely card and yarn stoves, thank you very much 🙂. I will enjoy making a napkin from the yarn. Sending love as always San xx

    1. I hope that you will get some sun! After all, it is summer. I am so glad the yarn made it. Packages these days don't always arrive. We have received two packages with severe water damage and mold!

    2. P.S. Life has become very local for us. I have not entered a store since before Easter! I hate all this hassle with masks and hand washing, etc. I do think they are very necessary, but I simply don't enjoy going places anymore (not that there are many places you can go to around here).

  3. Hallo Eva, schön, dass der Laptop wieder läuft! Es sieht tatsächlich aus als wenn Julius Flora etwas vorlesen würde. :-)Die Zeichnungen sind ganz farbenfroh geworden, ich kann mich auch noch an unsere heimische Epoche erinnern. Uns ging es die letzten Jahre so wie Euch mit den langen heißen Sommer. Seltsamerweise ist es dieses Jahr ganz ganz anders.

    1. Ja, jetzt kann man wieder tippen! Leider scheint irgendetwas mit der Batterie falsch zu sein, sie lädt nicht ganz richtig! Vielleicht ist sie auch naß geworden.

      Julius ist eine sehr gebildete Katze!

      Wir haben immer heiße, schwüle Sommer, doch dieses Jahr hat der Sommer früher angefangen, obwohl der Winter so lange gedauert hat. Die hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit ist das Schlimmste!

    2. Ich glaube, die Batterie kann man austauschen, das ist auch wesentlich günstiger als den Laptop zu erneuern. Ich weiß, dass ich das bei meinem letzten Laptop machen musste.

      Ja, trockene Hitze ist besser zu ertragen. Was mich vor allem fertig macht dieses Jahr sind die ständigen Wetterwechsel. Von kalt mit Jacke zu heiß im Badeanzug und das Ganze innerhalb von zwei Tagen das macht mein Kreislauf kaum mit.

    3. Ja, man kann die Batterie austauschen, nur das tut das College nur im äußersten Notfall, weil es sonst zu teuer für sie wird. Ich glaube aber, daß es nichts mit der Batterie zu tun hat. Es muß irgendein Wackelkontakt sein. Ich schreibe mit den Technikern beim College im Moment hin und her. Vielleicht muß der Laptop wieder in ihre Werkstatt.

      Jacken haben wir schon seit Monaten nicht gebraucht :). Aber so ein Hin und Her mag ich auch nicht.


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