Thursday, July 2, 2020

Heat Wave/Hitzewelle

Evening light and another clean window, this time in the kitchen.
Abendsonne und noch ein sauberes Fenster: Dieses Mal in der Küche.

It was a hot day, 84 degrees and high humidity, but it is supposed to get hotter.  This picture was taken after supper: They are eating cherries outside.  
Es war wieder ein heißer Tag, 29 Grade, mit hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit, aber es soll noch heißer werden.  Dieses Foto habe ich nach dem Abendbrot gemacht: Die Kinder essen draußen Kirschen.  

When it is so hot, I don't really feel like writing much and I always think that I have nothing to talk about (and people probably don't feel like reading either).

Wenn es draußen so heiß ist, habe ich keine schlauen Einfälle für meinen Blog hier und mag auch gar nicht viel schreiben (und dann denke ich auch, daß es den Lesern bestimmt zu heiß zum Lesen ist).  


  1. Das kenne ich! In einer solchen Hitze wird man richtig träge. Obwohl Ihr ja fleissig wart und die Fenster gemacht habt. Kirschen hatten wir auch vor kurzem. Sehr lecker! Bei uns gab es nichts als Regen die letzten zwei Tage. Gut für uns wir mussten nicht gießen. :-)

    1. Ja, und die nächsten Wochen sollen es immer um die 30 Grad oder heißer werden. Dazu kommt noch die hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit. Heute haben wir nur am Morgen gelernt, danach war es zu heiß. Gut, daß es mal bei Euch regnet. Ich habe heute das Badezimmerfenster gemacht. Morgen ist Putztag, da komme ich nicht zum Fensterputzen, weil andere Sachen dran sind. Nächste Woche muß ich dann mit den Fenstern weiter machen.

  2. I always love reading your updates even if it includes window cleaning 😀❤️

    1. I am glad, I sometimes wonder if my entries are getting too repetitive or boring, but life is not always exciting. Most of it is more or less routine.

  3. Your kitchen window looks so pretty with the green plants and cute figurines. Summer weather has finally found us in NYC. Today it went up to 91 with 49% humidity, and now it's 73 with 96% humidity. The days when it's 91 with 96% humidity are the worst . . but that usually isn't until August. I know how you feel about not wanting to do anything. On days like this I tend to fall asleep. My friend Kendall thinks I'm crazy not to turn on the air conditioner . . Chanda too, but I really do find air conditioning so unpleasant. I usually succumb on those dreadful August days when it stays hot all night. I remember waking and taking cold showers during the years we never had an air conditioner . . Sometimes I do that now just before crawling into bed. This slowing down is actually very good for us . . I think.

    1. It got up to 89 here, with high humidity, maybe 85%? It was pretty bad all day. It looks like the next two weeks will be similar or worse. I do not like this kind of weather, especially because we cannot go anywhere to cool off. Peter ordered a sprinkler today. Hopefully that will help Flora. She does not do well with the heat. Charlotte took her to our creek to cool off this afternoon. They came back happy. Peter sent me an article about new studies that air-conditioning spreads Corona faster. We don't have any, just fans, so we cannot turn anything on. I also don't like air-conditioning, but I am miserable in the heat/humidity. Ha, we also take cold showers before going to bed.


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