Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery

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When driving to and from dance lessons, we listened to Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery today.  Here you can listen to excerpts.  It was quite nice.   

Auf der Hin- und Rückfahrt zum Tanzstudio haben wir heute eine dramatisierte Geschichte über Vivaldi gehört.  Hier gibt es Auszüge davon.  Es war schön gemacht.    

We started a new main lesson block for Veronika: Chemistry.  Miriam is still doing meteorology and Flora is still working with fractions. 

Veronika hat mit einer neuen Epoche angefangen: Chemie.  Miriam macht noch weiter mit Meteorologie und Flora mit Bruchlehre.  

Peter is getting ready for another trip.  I got a phone call and was asked by our parish if I could make a fruit salad for a funeral on Saturday.  Of course, I will do that, but somehow, I always get asked to provide food for the funerals.  Miriam has a rehearsal for her confirmation on Saturday as well. 

Peter geht bald wieder auf Reisen.  Ich habe einen Telefonanruf bekommen, ob ich nicht einen Obstsalat für eine Beerdigung am Samstag in der Kirche vorbeibringen könnte.  Natürlich tue ich das, aber sie scheinen immer mich für Essen bei Beerdigungen zu fragen.  Am Samstag hat Miriam auch Probe für ihre Firmung.  


  1. Hope you manage to keep those ' plates spinning' whilst Peter is away. No doubt they ask you because your food is yummy and you are reliable 🙂 Thinking of you xx

    1. I will try, I have to drive to violin and ballet tomorrow, teach German on Friday (plus office hours), go to the Confirmation rehearsal on Saturday (plus drop off the fruit salad), and be ready for the Confirmation on Sunday. I guess in between we clean and do school :). At least, there is not extra Nutcracker rehearsal this weekend!

  2. I agree with San about your food contribution request :) It is funny, though :) The Vivaldi sounds beautiful. Chemistry experiments will be fun. Where does Peter travel to? Is it for a conference . . to present a paper?

    1. I bring food to all the after church gatherings, so I guess they think I might as well do funerals. The funny think always is that I get these calls from ladies from our parish and they tell me so-and-so has died. Most of the time I have no clue who these people are. They are old parish members, but have moved away or are in nursing homes and I have never met them. The person calling always thinks I know them, but I don't! I have given up to explain that we joined our current parish fairly late; they still think I should know those people.


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