Saturday, January 13, 2024


We reached the end of our first semester week.  Miriam is still home and was supposed to leave tomorrow.  However, Erie County put a travel ban in place and now we cannot drive to the Buffalo Airport.  They are supposed to get up to 2 feet of snow.  So Peter rebooked her flight to Tuesday.  She will miss her first two days of the semester, but there is no way around it.

Wir haben Wochenende und damit die erste Semesterwoche hinter uns.  Miriam ist immer noch zu Hause.  Eigentlich sollte sie morgen nach New Hampshire fliegen, doch hat die Gegend um Buffalo ein Fahrverbot verhängt, weil dort bis zu 70 cm Neuschnee fallen sollen.  Peter hat Miriams Flug auf Dienstag umgebucht.  So wird sie die ersten beiden Tage des neuen Semesters verpassen, aber es gibt keine andere Lösung.

This is part of a kit for architecture, the main lesson Veronika is working on right now.  We are also watching a German architecture series for schools: Nie wieder keine Ahnung Architektur.

Das hier hat Veronika für ihre Architekturepoche gebaut.  Wir benutzen auch den deutschen Schulfilm Nie wieder keine Ahnung Architektur.

I have not really taken many pictures recently, but I did take a picture of one last Christmas present I received today from Charlotte and Miriam: They made a garland out of "mushrooms"!  These mushrooms are painted dried orange rinds.  It is so neat!

Ich habe in der letzten Zeit kaum fotografiert, aber heute mußte ich dann doch ein allerletztes Weihnachtsgeschenk fotografieren, das ich heute bekommen habe.  Charlotte und Miriam haben mir eine Pilzgirlande gebastelt!  Diese Pilze sind angemalte Orangenschalen und sehen sehr schick aus.

What else?  Leo is getting used to our routines, but he is a very active and fast cat.  He loves to explore and gets into all kinds of trouble: He tries to eat all houseplants, digs them up, tries to disappear into the "basement," hunts for ornaments on the Christmas tree, runs from one corner of the house to another, jumps onto everything that seems "jumpable" to him (once in a while he falls off with a loud crash, but it does seem to deter him), and tries to enter the dishwasher!  But he is also very sweet and when Flora goes to walk Cooper, and he sees her leaving the house while looking out of the living-room window, Leo starts meowing very sadly!  

Was noch?  Leo hat sich inzwischen an uns gewöhnt, doch ist er oft sehr aktiv und rast durch das Haus.  Er muß alles genau untersuchen und natürlich geht dann einiges schief.  Er versucht, alle Zimmerpflanzen zu essen und auszugraben, will immer in den "Keller" laufen, wo wir ihn nicht haben wollen, versucht den Weihnachtsbaum von seinem Schmuck zu befreien, rennt von einer Ecke des Hauses zu einer anderen, springt überall hoch und fällt natürlich auch hin und wieder dabei mit einem lauten Krach, doch das stört ihn gar nicht, und geht gerne in die Spülmaschine.  Aber er ist auch sehr lieb und anhänglich.  Wenn Flora jeden Morgen weggeht, um Cooper auszuführen, dann sitzt er am Fenster und sieht sie draußen und miaut ganz kläglich.  

Flora will join the drama class at the Christian academy Charlotte is teaching at.  She had an admission interview with the principal and will start in a few weeks.  She is very excited.  She enjoyed her PQA London acting class so much and is happy to be able to do something similar.

Flora nimmt bald bei der christlichen Schule, an der Charlotte unterrichtet, Schauspielunterricht.  Sie mußte erst zu einem Aufnahmegespräch mit dem Rektor der Schule gehen und kann in einigen Wochen anfangen.  Sie freut sich schon sehr.  Sie hat ja zuletzt in London Schauspielunterricht genommen und ist jetzt glücklich, damit weitermachen zu können.  


  1. Slowly catching up with you 🩷. You have a new furry addition to the family! I love his name 🙂. I hope you are all as well as possible xx

    1. So good to hear from you! Did you get our Christmas letter/present? Leo ist cute, but also a bit wild (but he is still young). We are well, just short trips to the physical therapist once in a while and doing exercises at home for several people here.

  2. Your lovely Christmas letter and hand made gift arrived today and both are appreciated. Hope Miriam manages to sort out university woes, please tell her I will keep her in my prayers 🙏. I’m hoping to update on the blog before too long, if nothing else but to share Pip’s fifteenth birthday photos way back in December! Sending love to you all xx

    1. I am glad it got there! Miriam is looking into other places and there is still a chance that her college gets saved. We will see. She spent a lot of time researching alternatives over her break. I would love to read a post from you again! Congratulations to Pip! Remember, when we were still nursing our youngest ones?

    2. P.S. I will let her know that you are praying for her. She will be glad to hear that.

  3. It would be so nice if the college was saved . . It must be a bit disconcerting for Miriam. The mushroom garland made out of orange rinds is so pretty and clever, and Veronika's architecture project looks fun and interesting . . Leo sounds like a handful, but also very endearing xoxo

    1. There is still hope, but we will see. It was a shock to all students. It is such a nice place. The financial problems go way back to a loan for the buildings, I believe. The college is not able to pay it back and keep their accreditation. The current faculty and president had nothing to do with it.

    2. I love that mushroom garland! Veronika is building a new structure every day and we have learned many interesting architectural tidbits. Yes, Leo is like a very active toddler.


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