Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Halloween 2023

After school work and teaching, the girls carved their pumpkins this afternoon.
Nach der Schularbeit und Charlottes Arbeit haben die Mädchen am Nachmittag Kürbisse geschnitzt.

Table decoration

Ready for trick-or-treating: Flora was Jeanne (from Flames of Paris) and Veronika was the night sky.
Verkleidung: Flora war Jeanne (aus Die Flammen von Paris) und Veronika war der Nachthimmel.

This book (paid link) is our traditional read-aloud for Halloween.
Dieses Buch lesen wir oft an Halloween.


  1. The girls did a great job with the pumpkin decorating and thanks for once again sharing another book recommendation, I will have to see if I can get hold of a second hand copy. I'm glad Miriam enjoys her iconography class; I always enjoyed my sessions at Hyning Hall many moons ago x

    1. Thanks so much, San! They had fun, although it was so cold! I love that book! It is out of print, but there might be used copies available.

  2. The jack o'lanterns are fabulous and I love Flora's and Veronika's costumes :) Happy Halloween! (And even though it was cold outside, it's nice to see them sitting on the stoop carving their pumpkins.)

    1. Thanks so much! They carved one extra for Jonathan and Miriam. It was freezing and snowed. They had a good time together, though. I have plenty of pictures of all five sitting on the steps and carving :).


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