Monday, October 23, 2023

Random Items/Dies und Das

Jonathan: In the depths of the library
Jonathan: Tief in der Bibliothek

Memorial Hall

"schlimm" = bad 😀

After those three Cambridge pictures from Jonathan, here are a few from us:
Nach diesen drei Fotos aus Cambridge von Jonathan gibt es jetzt welche von uns:


Pretty sky
Hübscher Himmel

The birds were very active today!
Die Vögel waren heute sehr aktiv!

I made this fruit tray for a church fundraiser.
Ich habe dieses Obsttablett für eine Aktivität in der Kirche gemacht.


  1. The fruit tray looks delicious and autumn looks beautiful in your neck of the woods. It's nice to hear the birds singing; most of ours have flown away!

    1. Thanks so much, Dorina! I think those birds were resting here on their way south. Jonathan thought they were red-winged blackbirds.

  2. Tolle Fotos. Ich liebe ja den Herbst, selbst bei uns, wo es nicht ganz so bunt zugeht. Und dein Obsttablett ist wirklich fantastisch.

    1. Ah, danke schön! Die Ahornbäume haben immer ganz tolle Blätter. Ich mag den Herbst auch, das Laub raschelt auch so schön. Ich fand mich sehr kreativ mit meinem Obst :). Die Leute in der Kirche haben sich auch gefreut.

    2. Das warst du auch. Es war bestimmt der Hingucker!

  3. That fruit platter is just gorgeous and I bet it was well appreciated 😊. Your autumn scenery is just stunning and I hope Jonathan is enjoying his studies xx

    1. Ah, thanks so much, San. They needed it for a tailgate party, which I did not attend, because I do not care for American football :). But they thought it was beautiful. We have had some nice foliage recently. Jonathan is busy, but seems to be liking it. He already new some people at Harvard, so the transfer was not too crazy. The Catholic student group for the law school seems to be quite active and gives him extra things to do.


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