Saturday, November 5, 2022

Hot Chocolate/Heiße Schokolade

Hot chocolate
Heiße Schokolade

Veronika helped out with the "Fall Fairies and Elves" weekend camp at the GCV&M again.  Flora went along and Peter took her to Wegmans and bought her a hot chocolate.  The museum is closed for the season and they had to go somewhere else to wait for her camp to end.

Veronika hat wieder bei der "Herbstfeen und Kobold Veranstaltung" im Freilichtmuseum ausgeholfen.  Flora ist mitgefahren und Peter hat ihr eine heiße Schokolade bei Wegmans gekauft.  Das Museum hat jetzt nicht mehr regelmäßig auf und so mußten die beiden woanders hingehen.


  1. I tried commenting on this delicious looking hot chocolate twice already! I'm not sure if they went through . . but I wrote that having a hot chocolate is a big indicator of the beginning of the holiday season for me :)

    1. After I had posted it and showed Flora, she told me that this was not the hot chocolate, but a cake in cup that looked like hot chocolate! The cup was edible and pure chocolate. She also had a cup of hot chocolate, though. It is the perfect drink for the darker times, I agree!

  2. I think it's funny that this is a cake in a cup! :)

    1. I first did not want to believe her when she said that.

  3. Oh jetzt habe ich auch Hunger auf so einen leckeren Kakao!! Richtig, Ihr wolltet ja noch ins Freilichtmuseum!

    1. Das war eigentlich ein Kuchen in einer Tasse, kein Kakao, wie ich später erfahren haben, aber Kakao hat sie auch getrunken.


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