Sunday, March 27, 2022


On Saturday, Flora had her acting class and our cleaning lady came to work in the garden (yard).  I washed the sheets and also ironed.  I also graded some of the girls' schoolwork

Am Samstag hatte Flora ihre Theaterklasse und die Putzfrau ist gekommen, um im Garten zu arbeiten.  Ich habe die Bettwäsche gewaschen und gebügelt.  Ich habe auch Schulsachen der Mädchen korrigiert.

On Sunday, we did something different.  First we attended Mass in Blackheath, at Our Lady Help of Christians, but then we kept on going to a small wharf at the rivers Lea and the Thames.  It was quite an interesting place and we saw new things.

Am Sonntag haben wir mal was anderes gemacht.  Erst waren wir bei der heiligen Messe in Blackheath und dann sind wir weiter zu einer Werft an der Mündung des Flusses Lea in die Themse gefahren.  Die Werft war sehr interessant und wir haben wieder etwas Neues gelernt.

There was a farmer's market at the Overground Station.  Here you can see interesting mushrooms.
Bei der Zugstation gab es einen Bauernmarkt.  Hier sieht man interessante Pilze.

Fresh pasta
Frische Nudeln

German bread
Deutsches Brot

On we go to church: Our Lady, Help of Christians.
Weiter geht es zur Kirche.

After church, we found our way to the wharf.
Nach der Kirche haben wir dann die Werft gesucht.

Apparently, the English National Ballet has a studio here.
Anscheinend hat das englische Nationalballett hier ein Studio.

Not quite sure what this is.
Wir wissen nicht wirklich, was das hier ist.

Hier wird die Geschichte der Werft beschrieben.

Café in a container
Café im Container

Old lightship
Altes Feuerschiff

We were close to the cable cars.
Wir waren in der Nähe der Seilbahn.

Old tugboat
Alter Schleppkahn


American diner
Amerikanisches Lokal


The O2

Tide clock
Gezeiten Uhr

Another tugboat
Noch ein Schleppkahn

We are climbing the lighthouse.
Wir klettern auf den Leuchtturm.

There was a 1000-year-long composition playing.  You can read about it below or here.
Hier spielte Musik, die 1000 Jahre ununterbrochen spielen wird.

Listen to the music in the video.
Im Video kann man die Musik hören.

Museum about Michael Faraday, who worked here.
Museum über Michael Faraday, der hier gearbeitet hat.

"Will" (Thames barge), built in 1925.
"Will" (Themse Segelboot, 1925 gebaut)

Container City

We are taking the bus to the Museum of London Docklands and are passing a nature park.
Wir nehmen den Bus zum Museum of London Docklands und kommen bei einem Naturpark vorbei.



It was sitting on the top balcony.
Sie saß auf dem obersten Balkon.

We are taking the Docklands Light Railway back home.
Mit der Docklands Light Railway fahren wir dann nach Hause.


  1. Saturday sounds so wonderfully quiet and peaceful :) And Flora is doing a theatre class? That sounds fun! And Sunday was very adventurous. I'm always impressed with how much ground you cover in your expeditions/field trips! I remember Morgana visiting a German cafe or deli (something like the Biergarten) near where her cousin's boat was docked one time . . somewhere on the canal near the Olympic Park, I think. It's fun exploring and finding interesting places. You came across Michael Faraday again! And was that a real cat sleeping in the basket? Perhaps not? But I love the real kitty sitting on the top balcony. That was a very interesting boat sailing by . . who was speaking?! And it's nice to see blue sky and sunshine!

    1. It was, especially because we have to be on the road on Fridays. Yes, it is some acting school in another area. It normally costs money, but since we are here for such a short time, she gets to do it for free. She likes it so far. It is supposedly a good school with a waiting list in certain branches in the city, but she gets to go to a branch in a village nearby (by bus), which did not have a waiting list. I think I remember a photo of some beer when Morgana did that. Wasn't that also a time she did some laundry the same day? Yes, Michael Faraday must have been a very interesting person. No, it was not a real cat, but sure looked like one. The boat looked somehow old (or a replica of an older vessel)? I thought it was neat. The sun felt so good after a day with mostly clouds.

    2. Peter and mostly Miriam were speaking.


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