Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Late Summer/Spätsommer

When Flora and I walked to the post office, we saw these late summer plants and also a really cute custom-made play house with its own bridge.  We watched a man building a frame for a roof (no pictures) and also lots of utility cars working on wires and cables, including our front yard.  They have been doing a lot of work there recently, unannounced.  I am always surprised to see a bunch of men walking around the house discussing these wires and then get to work.  You never know when they show up.  

Flora und ich sind heute zur Post gegangen.  Wir haben schöne Spätsommerpflanzen gesehen und auch ein Spielhaus mit Brücke, das jemand gebaut hat.  Wir haben einem Handwerker zugesehen, der einen Dachstuhl gebaut hat (keine Fotos) und auch die Männer beobachtet, die im Ort im Moment Kabel und Leitungen reparieren.  Sie machen das schon seit einer Weile und erscheinen dann immer unangemeldet im Garten, um die Dinge, die getan werden müssen, untereinander zu diskutieren.  Nach der Diskussion wird dann gearbeitet.  Man weiß nie, wann man sie antrifft.  

Miriam had her first history class online.  She already has to complete some homework.  The class meets three times per week.  If all goes well, she will meet with the other students on campus next week for class.  

Miriam hat ihre erste Stunde ihres Geschichtsseminars online gehabt.  Jetzt muß sie schon Hausaufgaben dafür machen.  Ihr Seminar findet dreimal die Woche statt.  Nächste Woche, wenn alles gut geht, findet der Unterricht dann im Seminarraum statt.  

I thought that some of my readers might be interested in what classes Jonathan and Charlotte take this semester.  So here you go:


Modern Philosophy
Topics in Political Philosophy
Statistics I
Statistics Lab
Ballet Technique

Human Anatomy and Physiology
Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Ballet II
Ballet Technique
Ballet Pas De Deux
Jazz II
Choreography I
Company Ensemble

Vielleicht interessiert ja den einen oder anderen, welche Kurse Jonathan und Charlotte dieses Semester belegt haben. 

Hier ist Jonathan:

Philosophie der Moderne
Themen der politischen Philosophie
Statistik I
Labor in Statistik


Menschliche Anatomie und Physiologie
Labor für menschliche Anatomie und Physiologie
Ballett II
Ballett: Pas de deux
Jazz II
Choreographie I


  1. It's wonderful to see all the summer flowers in bloom, especially all the goldenrod, and that's very interesting about the men working on the wires and cables. I always wish there would be notices sent out to the neighborhood, informing residents of the work that goes on, because I'm curious, and also because I think it's good to know about these things . . ! The college students must be very busy with all their courses. How does Miriam like the history class?

    1. There are lots of pretty colors around us right now and logs of goldenrod! I don't know why they never tells us anything about the work that is going to be done. Sometimes they sit in the trees, cutting down branches without warning. I find this very odd, and I have no idea if this is legal or not.

      They are very busy, but Jonathan has less work than the years before. Can you imagine, this is his last year!

      Miriam seems to like it. It is a group of 20 students, some of whom she has met before. It is hard to do class with masks, but the professor has a lot of energy and is young. The other day, Miriam had to practice Russian geography :). It is a good class for a high school student who is trying out college. She has a lot of readings, but she always reads her texts to Veronika! So I guess that Veronika is also getting some Russian history.


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