Thursday, August 27, 2020

Forest Fairy/Waldfee

Our neighbors' crab apple tree: Flora decided to gather a few crab apples and dressed up as a forest fairy.
Der Holzapfelbaum der Nachbarn hat es Flora angetan: Sie hat sich als Waldfee verkleidet und Äpfel gesammelt.  

Our county does have power outages, but not our village so far.  I got my new college ID, two face masks, and a face shield.  Now I am reorganizing our homeschool books: quite a mess I have made.  

Unser Landkreis hat Stromausfälle, aber unser Dorf bisher nicht.  Ich habe meinen neuen Collegeausweis heute morgen bekommen, nachdem sie mich fotografiert haben, und dazu zwei extra Masken und einen Gesichtsschutz.  Jetzt müssen alle Schulbücher neu organisiert werden: Da habe ich doch wirklich eine schöne Unordnung angerichtet!


  1. Hi Eva, have you tried selling the homeschooling books you no longer use? It's time for me to clear shelves and I know of a Facebook page to sell on, but was wondering what you had come across, if anything.

    What do you think of the face shield? I've managed to wear the mask, but I'm not sure I would like to wear a face shield too. Chanda's workplace uses just masks, though we've both seen many food workers wearing the face shield.

    I grew up with a beautiful crab apple tree in our front yard. I don't think we ever had as many apples as your neighbor, however. Flora is a lovely forest fairy. Did she collect any apples? I know some people make crab apple jam and sauce, but my mom never did. My aunt, however, made concord grape jam every year from the grapes she grew in her yard in California. It was incredibly delicious.

    1. Yes! There are several possibilities:
      Homeschool Classifieds (Good place)
      Amazon (Good place, but many sellers)
      Paperback Swap (Great, if you want to swap books)
      Ebay (not so easy to do)
      Well-Trained Mind Classifieds (not so easy to do)

      There are also lists where you can sell. I really like Cathswap. With that list you can sell a lot of things, but not anti-Catholic materials and I think there are certain protestant publishers you cannot sell. You do not have to be Catholic to sell and buy. There used to be a Waldorf list like that, but it seems kind of dead.

      It is easier to breathe with a face shield, but a mask is safer. You are only allowed to wear the face shield for teaching at HC. You have to enter the classroom with a mask, then you switch to the face shield, and when you exit the classroom, you need your mask again. Students have to wear masks, not face shields.

      Yes, she carried the apples to her "house." I have never made anything with crab apples, the deer always come in the winter and eat our neighbors'.

    2. Great recommendations, thank you.

      Ah! You're doing face shield or face mask . . I've seen food workers here wearing a face mask and a face shield. We also have many places with a plastic barrier between cashier and customer . . in addition to everyone wearing face masks. I think the extra protection here is that we're more crowded together.

    3. You are welcome!

      Yes, we do either or, depending on the situation. I have only seen one child at the GCV&M summer camp wearing both. Yes, the post office and library have those barriers now. They are using the face shields for professors to make it easier to see and hear what the professor is saying.

  2. Das sind genau unsere Äpfel!! Das sind genau die Äpfel von unserem Zierapfel, nur dass unsere noch grün sind und noch nicht rot. :-) Ach, die Unordnung bekommst Du auch noch in den Griff, da bin ich ganz zuversichtlich! Wie geht es Jonathan? Bekommt er endlich genug zu essen?

    1. Lustig! Der Baum hat dieses Jahr sehr viele. Ich hoffe, daß ich das schaffe, man wird immer abgelenkt. Jonathan ist "frei"! Der Mensch in der Verwaltung hatte einen negativen Test und alle Präfekten sind frei gelassen worden. Jetzt kann er wieder mehr essen. Das war nicht so einfach für, da er sein Leben lang untergewichtig war.

    2. Wie schön, dass Jonathan wieder back to normal gehen kann! Ich kann mir das gut vorstellen, wie schwer das ist, wenn man Hunger hat und auf andere angewiesen ist, die einem das Essen einteilen. Wie gut, dass das jetzt vorbei ist. Ja, Du schaffst das, ich drücke die Daumen! Unsere Zieräpfel färben sich langsam rot.

    3. Ja, da weiß man dann seine Freiheit erst zu schätzen. Danke fürs Daumendrücken! Wie schön, daß Eure auch rot werden.


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