Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Physics-Fractions-Richard III/Physik-Brüche-Richard III

Here you see Veronika working with mirrors and learning about reflections.
Hier sieht man Veronikas Arbeit, die sich mit Spiegeln und Spiegelbildern in der Physik beschäftigt.  

 Flora is sorting fractions to find those that make "1."
Flora sortiert Brüche, die zusammen "1" ergeben.  

Our nature table still does look a lot like winter.  In fact, it is snowing quite heavily right now.
Unser Jahreszeitentisch sieht immer noch sehr nach Winter aus.  Es schneit gerade auch wieder viel draußen.  

We tried to drive to dance today, but on the way, we were stopped by a fire truck that was blocking the road.  It was so foggy that I almost ran into the truck!  Anyway, one of the men there told us the road was closed and we could try some side road to get to the town where our ballet studio is.  However, when we started driving on that one, it turned out that it was a seasonal highway, which means snow and no paved road!  We turned around and decided to go back home.  Later we discovered that the road had been closed because there had been a bad accident due to the dense fog: a lady got killed and two children got insured.

Wir haben heute versucht, zum Ballett zu fahren, aber unterwegs ging es nicht weiter, weil die Feuerwehr den Weg versperrte.  Ich wäre beinahe in die Feuerwehr gefahren, weil es so nebelig war, daß man gar nichts sehen konnte. Einer der Männer erklärte uns, wir könnten eine Seitenstraße probieren, um in den Ort mit unserem Ballettstudio zu kommen.  Wir sind also abgebogen, doch es stellte sich heraus, daß diese Strecke nur im Sommer geöffnet war.  Die Straße war nicht geteert und man versank im Schnee.  Wir sind umgekehrt und wieder nach Hause gefahren.   Später haben wir herausgefunden, daß auf der Hauptstraße ein schlimmer Unfall passiert war, bei dem eine Frau ums Leben gekommen ist und zwei Kinder verletzt worden sind.  Der Grund war der schlimme Nebel.  

This morning, Veronika and Miriam had their online literature class (well, Veronika is just listening in, it is actually Miriam's class).  They had to read Dante's Inferno for the class.

Heute morgen haben Veronika und Miriam eine online Literaturklasse gehabt (Veronika hat nur zugehört, Miriam ist bei der Klasse angemeldet).   Sie mußten Dantes "Hölle" aus seiner Göttlichen Komödie lesen.  

And this evening, Miriam and I read another chapter in The Daughter of Time as part of our medieval history studies.  We are using the MODG high school lesson plans.  There is a great audio version, narrated by Derek Jacobi.  Here is a sample.    

Und heute abend haben Miriam und ich weiter in Alibi für einen König gelesen.  Wir benutzen dieses Buch für mittelalterliche Geschichte für die 11. Klasse.    


  1. Ach Du meine Güte, das ist ja ganz schlimm mit dem Unfall! Die armen Kinder, das war doch sicherlich die Mutter. Was Nebel alles anrichten kann. Gut, dass ihr heil wieder zu Hause angekommen seid, Eva.

    1. Ja, das war sehr traurig. Es war die Mutter, wie sich jetzt herausgestellt hat. Die Kinder sind 10 und 11. Eins ist immer noch im Krankenhaus. Ich bin so froh, daß uns nichts passiert ist.

    2. Das bin ich auch, Eva. Da kann man lieber einmal mehr zu Hause bleiben.

  2. Thank goodness you were ok. We actually had some blue skies today in amongst the sleat and hail stones xx

    1. Yes, when I saw a picture of the car in the news, I was so glad that we got home safely. Blue skies sounds wonderful! Is it cold?

    2. It was yesterday! Slightly warmer today x

    3. It was warmer here today and we had blue skies!

  3. So much interesting school work, and of course you had more snow! It was smart to turn around and go home. That's so sad about the accident. I'm glad you were all safe.

    Your nature table is sweet, and I think that is a root child, contentedly sleeping and waiting for spring?

    1. Yes more snow and now a blizzard warning. It is so bizarre to think that somebody could die on that road. It is completely straight, but the fog was simply too thick.

      Yes, that is my only root child. Flora wants me to make another one . . . .

    2. I love that you made one . . I've always wanted to, but never did get it done. I once made a seal and it was so much more difficult than I had imagined, that I never was inspired to make another little felt figure . . oh, that's not true . . I think I made several flowers or bees as party favors when Morgana was five. That's probably why I never got around to the Root Children. After making ten or so bees and flowers I did not want to make another felt figure ever! I always manage to prick myself when I sew. It hurts!

    3. A seal! That sounds challenging. My root child is made out of fabric. I have made bees out of alder cones. They were fairly easy. Would a thimble help with the pricking?

    4. It was challenging :P Bees out of alder cones sound very cute . . and perhaps it would be good for me to try sewing with a thimble.


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