Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ash Wednesday/Aschermittwoch

Well, winter is not going away in Western New York.  We got more snow overnight, and right now we are in the middle of a blizzard warning, the first one this winter.  We have had plenty of winter storms, but no blizzards.  The next few days will be interesting.  We already got a note from our electricity supplier that they are expecting outages.  So, if you don't hear from me it's because I will be buried in snow and will be without power.

Der Winter verschwindet hier nicht so schnell.  Es hat wieder in der letzten Nacht geschneit und im Moment stecken wir mitten in einer "Blizzard" Warnung.  Wir hatten schon viele Schneestürme diesen Winter, aber noch keinen "Blizzard".  Unsere Elektrizitätsfirma hat schon Stromausfall vorhergesagt und uns das mitgeteilt.  Die nächsten Tag (bis Freitag) werden sehr interessant werden.  Falls man von mir nichts hört, bin ich im Schnee begraben und habe keinen Strom.  

 This was our Lenten soup today: A red lentil soup with carrots and collard greens.
Das hier ist unsere Fastenzeitsuppe von heute: Rote Linsen mit Möhren und Blattkohl.  

We sprinkled a bit cheese on top.
Wir haben sie noch mit geriebenem Käse bestreut.  

Lenten calendars: We love the one from Catholic Icing and also the one from Pondered in My Heart.  I have decided to use A Family Journey with Jesus through Lent.  We used it many years ago and I thought it was time to use it again.  And for short thoughts/prayers/meditations, I got out Lent for Children: A Though a Day (paid link).   We don't have a fancy copy, but the printout offered by Jennifer.     

Fastenzeitkalender: Wir mögen den von Catholic Icing sehr (sie hat auch eine deutsche Ausgabe darunter) und auch den von Pondered in My Heart.  Wir benutzen auch ein Buch A Family Journey with Jesus through Lent und ein Meditationsbüchlein für Kinder, das man kaufen, aber auch kostenlos ausdrucken kann.     


  1. Greg says he heard that you might get four or five feet?!

    Happy Lent, Eva. Your preparations sound wonderfully fun and peaceful and cozy all at the same time. xoxoxo

    1. I think around Erie, Chautauqua, and Jamestown they got that much. Here it was about 2 feet. But today was warmer and the snow is melting.

  2. P.S. Your soup looks so delicious! I think I will try to make that tomorrow night.

    1. We had some left and ate it on Saturday as our first course, followed by a spaghetti squash casserole. Did you make the soup?

    2. I didn't have red lentils in my cupboard. I've added to my list on the fridge, along with collard greens :) I did make a potato and kale soup though. I love spaghetti squash! A spaghetti squash casserole sounds very good. What did you mix with the squash?

    3. I like the red lentils because they cook faster. Your soup also sounds good. I mixed it with some bacon, cheese, and some herbs. Normally I mix it with onions and tomato sauce, but I was out of tomato sauce.


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