Thursday, February 6, 2020

More Snow, Fontane, and Art/Mehr Schnee, Fontane und Kunst

We got more snow over night and then rain in the afternoon.  The roads were pretty bad and Flora and I hiked up the long hill to her violin teacher's house.  There was no way we would have been able to drive up there.  Flora thought our hike was more like ice-skating than walking.

Hiking back to our car in the valley.
Wir wandern wieder zu unserem Auto im Tal zurück. 

Es hat über Nacht mehr geschneit und dann am Nachmittag geregnet.  Die Straßen waren ziemlich schlimm und Flora und ich sind den langen Hügel zum Haus ihrer Geigenlehrerin raufgewandert.  Wir hätten das mit dem Auto nie geschafft.  Flora fand, daß unsere Wanderung eher wie Schlittschuhlaufen war.  

While Flora was taking her lesson, I read in a book Peter gave me.  It is the correspondence between Fontane and his wife.

Während Flora Geigenunterricht hatte, habe ich in einem Buch gelesen, das Peter mir geschenkt hat.  Es handelt sich hierbei um den Briefwechsel zwischen Fontane und seiner Frau.  

And back home, we did some art.  Und zu Hause haben wir dann Kunst gemacht.  

 Flora was painting a sea picture.
Flora hat die See gemalt.  

And Veronika worked on drawing some trees.
Und Veronika hat ein paar Bäume gezeichnet.  


  1. That is quite a hike you and Flora had, but it looks very pretty. It's so nice to see the artwork and your book looks good :)

    1. Yes, we do that all the time now, when the weather is bad. It is too dangerous to drive up that hill. I do like Fontane, but I did not know much about his wife, so it is interesting to read their letters.


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