Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Creating Faith: in John Henry Newman's Literary Logic

Jonathan, Charlotte and I went to listen to a very informative talk by Dr. Michael Hurley from the English department of Cambridge last night.  It was mainly on Newman's Grammar of Assent.  Dr. Hurley not only talked about the book, but was able to bring in British history, Catholicism, culture, science, and literature of Newman's time.  The talk was held at the Brompton Oratory.  

Jonathan, Charlotte und ich waren gestern abend bei einem Vortrag von Dr. Michael Hurley, einem Anglistikprofessor von Cambridge.  Er hat über Kardinal John Henry Newman und seine Schriften, besonders über dessen "Grammar of Assent" geredet.  Sein Vortrag ist durch das Einbringen von Geschichte, britischem Katholizismus, Naturwissenschaften und Literatur aus der Zeit von Newman sehr anschaulich gewesen.  Der Vortag fand im Brompton Oratory statt.       

Charlotte took the other three girls to Clissold Park in the afternoon to play there one last time.  They came back reporting that they played with children from Vienna!  

Charlotte war am Nachmittag mit den anderen drei Mädchen noch einmal im Clissold Park, um dort zu spielen.  Sie kamen zurück und haben erzählt, daß sie mit Kindern aus Wien gespielt hätten.  

Now we will go back to our suitcases.  It is really cold here in London so staying inside and packing is not so bad.  

Jetzt packen wir weiter.  Es ist im Moment so kalt hier daß das Packen gar nicht so schlimm ist, weil man dafür nicht raus muß.  


  1. What a wonderful lecture to attend! Newman's "assent" makes me think of Kierkegaard's "leap of faith" but scholars and the men themselves would probably use very different explanations to get there! I haven't done such reading in a long time :) It's so nice that you got to go.

    Your visit is winding down! I'm feeling excited for your travels to come :) xoxoxo

    1. It was really, really engaging. Interesting that you had to think of Kierkegaard. I just googled the two and have seen people comparing what those two had to say.

      Yes, we are saying good-bye to London (although we have been scheduled to be back in two years). Germany will be quite different, but very nice. I am looking forward to seeing old and familiar places and to hearing my own language wherever I go.

    2. Yes, that will be so nice for you to hear German everywhere. You are probably cleaning and getting the apartment ready for your departure. From this side two years seem very far away, but after they past, it feels like yesterday :) xoxo

    3. Yes, we are packing right now. Seven suitcases will travel by a carrier tomorrow to Germany and two to the United States. We will still have seven suitcases to get to the airport plus carry-on luggage.

      It is true, two years are kind of far away, but they will pass quickly. I do not know the people we are supposed to go back with us so far. They are new to the college. We had a really good time with the professor and his wife that went with us thirteen years ago. We lived in the same building and saw each other every day. This time, I did not see the other professor and his wife so much because we do not live in the same place. That was kind of sad, but it was too complicated to arrange many meetings.


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