Saturday, April 22, 2017

A Quiet Passion

Charlotte and I went to see A Quiet Passion today, a movie about the American poet Emily Dickinson. I thought it was very well done, Charlotte thought it was acted well, but had no "point."  I guess this is not really a movie for teenagers that are eager to find their place in life.  There was a lot about death and loss in the movie, subjects that appeal more to people 30 and up.  We both enjoyed our time out together, though.  A few weeks ago, Charlotte was at the same movie theater to see Beauty and the Beast with Morgana. 

Charlotte und ich haben heute den Film A Quiet Passion gesehen.  Er beschreibt das Leben der amerikanischen Dichterin Emily Dickinson.  Mir hat der Film gut gefallen. Charlotte hat auch gedacht, daß die Schauspieler gut waren, aber der Film selbst hat sie nicht so angesprochen.  Ich glaube das liegt daran, daß dieser Film besser für Leute geeignet ist, die 30 und älter sind.  Es ging viel um Sterben und Verlust, und ein junger Mensch steht dem eher noch fern.  Der Film endet auch mit Emily Dickinsons Tod.  Es war aber schön, daß wir beide mal etwas zusammen gemacht haben.  Vor einigen Wochen hat Charlotte im selben Kino Die Schöne und das Biest mit Morgana gesehen.   


  1. How exciting that you got to see this movie. I've been thinking about it. I read a review, which was positive, in the New Yorker. It seems like something I could definitely relate to these days. I think your observation about teens in relation to this movie is very astute :)

    1. I think, if you get a chance, you should go and see it. I thought it was very moving. The older I get, the more "foolish" I find teenagers. That does sound very harsh and condescending, but there is such a big gap in life experience that I cannot help it. On the other hand, I think I also admire young people a bit because they still think everything is possible in life and see things so "rosy." To them, there seems to be no end to life.


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