Monday, May 15, 2023

Mother's Day/Muttertag

Flowers for me
Blumen für mich

I cannot really share any mother's day pictures because I did not really take any.  We were still in recovering mode from the commencement.  The girls picked flowers and all children had a lovely card and some chocolate for me.  Peter also had a sweet card and bought me a gorgeous hanging basket of flowers for the front of the house.  We went to church where Jonathan trained a new altar boy during Mass and then went on to Butter and Meat for a light lunch outdoors.  Later we ate lemon bars at home, which I had baked right before church.  We also had our Maycrowning in church.

Ich habe leider kaum Fotos vom Muttertag, weil wir uns immer noch von Charlottes Abschlußfeier erholen mußten.  Die Mädchen haben draußen Blumen gepflückt und alle Kinder hatten eine schöne Karte und eine Tafel Schokolade für mich.  Peter hatte auch eine Karte und die schöne Blumenampel, die jetzt vorne an der Haustür hängt.  Wir waren in der Kirche, wo Jonathan einen neuen Meßdiener während der Messe angelernt hat.  Dann sind wir zu diesem Laden gefahren, wo man auch ein leichtes Mittagessen bekommt, welches wir draußen gegessen haben.  Nachmittags haben wir hier zu Hause Zitronenschnitten gegessen, die ich noch vor der Kirche gebacken hatte.  In der Kirche gab es auch die Marienkrönung.

Today, Peter started to mow the lawn.
Heute hat Peter mit dem Rasenmähen angefangen.

Jonathan set up a new train set to show his sisters.
Jonathan hat eine Eisenbahn aufgebaut, um sie seinen Schwestern zu zeigen.


  1. Happy Mother's Day Eva. It sounds like you had a lovely time. The flowers are beautiful. And it is lawn mowing season again! Greg and I mowed out at Montauk before leaving for Florida, and my nephew mowed about a week ago when he was visiting there. Jonathan's train is very nice. Does he collect them?

    1. Same to you! This is the first time this year we are mowing and we are not done yet. We have an electric mower and you need to recharge it in between mowing sessions. I think the grass is growing more quickly by you! Jonathan has had an interest for trains for almost all his life :). We never had enough room for them, but now he started buying some German trains and tracks for his dorm room :). He is also building these paper model buildings to go with his trains. He is having lots of fun, but does not have much time/money for this.

  2. Belated Mother’s Day blessings, your hanging basket from Peter looks beautiful and you are never too old to play with trains 😉. Mr J and Dave would get along just fine 😁 xx

    1. Thanks so much, San! That basket is so pretty and healthy looking! I took it inside tonight because we are getting frost again. Oh yes, I think Jonathan would love to talk about trains with Dave. Peter is not interested in things like that and neither are Jonathan's grandfathers. Only one of his great-uncles has some interest in trains/machines, but he is in Germany.

    2. It's a nice hobby to have, and it's good to save to add to the collection so you don't end up with too much "stuff!"


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