Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hummingbirds Are Back/Die Kolibris sind wieder da!

It must be spring!
Es muß Frühling sein!


  1. I'm glad it was a good trip home, and how nice to see the hummingbirds. I hope this means you are having some warmer weather :)

    1. It was a good trip, but so exhausting! And our car is giving us troubles (the transmission). Peter said he never had such a nervous feeling when driving a car as on that trip. I had feared the hummingbirds were not coming anymore because they are really late this year. No, it has not been much warmer, but I guess the birds don't mind.

  2. Replies
    1. They always come back in the spring and look for "their feeder." When I see them looking for it, I put it up. I think it is amazing that they remember.

  3. That's very interesting about the hummingbirds. I would love to read something about what determines their visits to you! I'm sorry to hear about the car. We're so dependent on them and it's stressful when they don't feel reliable.

    1. I think they are a bit like the monarchs. I still wonder how they communicate to each other (the next generation) that we have a hummingbird feeder in front of our window. They also always come back and nest in the same spot.


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