Saturday, May 27, 2023


It is not -1 degrees, but one child (Jonathan) has left again.  He is off to great adventures with Becket and Blackstone.

Nein, es ist nicht -1 Grad, aber ein Kind (Jonathan) ist wieder abgereist.  Er hat verschiedene interessante Projekte anstehen: Becket und Blackstone.

Here at home, he had two weeks of relaxation and "building": He is designing scenery for his model train and built himself a wooden platform.

Hier zu Hause hat er sich zwei Wochen erholt und viel gewerkelt: Er baut sich eine Landschaft für seine Modelleisenbahn.

Wooden platform pieces he cut and sawed.
Holzplatten, die er geschnitten und gesägt hat.

He is loading them into his rental car.
Er lädt sie in seinen Mietwagen.

Auf Wiedersehen!

The rest of us did our regular cleaning, yard work, and the girls are baking now.  I washed a lot of winter coats and jackets today.

Der Rest der Familie hat geputzt, im Garten gearbeitet und im Moment backen die Mädchen.  Ich habe viele Wintermäntel und -jacken gewaschen.


  1. Dave is very impressed with Johnathan’s building progress, so he asked me to find out - what scale/gauge is his train? Dave used to build in 00 gauge as a youngster but is now trying to finish a 3.5” live steam engine from his workshop - it has been a very longstanding project thanks to extra kids, the unexpected house move five years ago and the constant rumble of sickness and disability 🙄.

    Im playing catch up with you again but had a significant relapse this past week which I will update on the blog. Sending love to you all xx

    1. N-gauge, 1/160. The live steam engine sounds great! With real steam???? Sorry to hear about the relapse, but I hope you are doing better now.

  2. Yep, real steam courtesy of small pieces of coal the size of lease! He is just waiting on a friend to put together the milling machine and then the work shop is open for business 🙂


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