Wednesday, July 27, 2022


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  • We had a furnace check-up and filter replacement today.  The serviceman had me turn the thermostat up and down and also showed me how all the safety mechanisms in the furnace worked (after I had asked him because I was curious).  While I was doing that, Peter had the car in the shop for an oil-change, tire rotation, and brake check-up.  Some parts of the brakes need to be replaced.  They had been making a bad sound and were getting too hot.  The parts won't be here until Monday.  On Monday, summer camp and daily long driving will start.  Since we won't be able to use the car on Monday, we will drive it to the car place on Sunday and borrow a car for Monday from friends.  
  • The girls had a picnic with their co-workers and went boating on Rushford Lake.
  • I have finished typing my IHIPs.  Now I am planning my main lessons.  I am using Schoolnest's Minimalist Notebook for that.  
  • I have also typed up a new weekly wall schedule for the "shrinking" family.  Although the family size will be down to four in the fall, we will be still quite busy with homeschool, online French for Veronika, a regular Hebrew 101 college class here in town for Veronika, ballet for both girls, violin lessons for Flora, and flute lessons for Veronika.  I will be teaching German 101 again too.  Which reminds me, that I still have to type that syllabus.  
  • Heute war der Heizungsbauer da, um die Heizung zu warten und den Filter auszuwechseln.  Ich mußte mehre Male das Thermostat hoch oder niedrig stellen und habe mir von dem Mann erklären lassen, wie die verschiedenen Sicherheitsschalter in der Heizung aussehen (er hatte das Vorderteil abmontiert).  Während ich das gemacht habe, war Peter bei der Autowerkstatt und hat einen Ölwechsel vornehmen lassen, die Reifen rotieren lassen, und die Bremsen untersuchen lassen.  Teile der Bremsen müssen ersetzt werden (sie machen einen schrecklichen Lärm und werden schnell heiß).  Das kann aber erst Montag geschehen und ab Montag müssen wir jeden Tag zum Ferienlager fahren.  Also werden wir unser Auto Sonntag zur Werkstatt bringen und es über Nacht dort stehen lassen.  Freunde von uns leihen uns eins ihrer Autos, so daß wir die Mädchen zum Ferienlager fahren können.
  • Veronika und Miriam hatten gestern ein Picknick mit ihren Mitarbeitern am See.  Sie sind Boot gefahren.
  • Ich habe meine Pläne für das nächste Schuljahr für die Schulbehörde fertig.  Jetzt plane ich meine Hauptepochen.  
  • Ich habe auch einen neuen Wandstundenplan für die immer kleiner werdende Familie getippt.  Auch wenn wir nur noch vier Leute sein werden, muß man Platz für Veronikas online Französischkurs, ihren Hebräischkurs beim College, Ballett für beide Mädchen, Geigenstunde für Flora und Querflötenstunde für Veronika finden.  Dazu werde ich auch wieder richtig Deutsch im Herbst unterrichten.  Dafür muß ich auch noch einen Lehrplan tippen und einreichen.  An Arbeit mangelt es bestimmt nicht.


  1. It sounds like your summer is becoming quite expensive with all these repairs 🙄. I guess it will seem strange just having the two girls at home but also a bit less frantic with activities and lessons? I must admit I’m really glad that Pip is attending InterHigh again for the third year. No lesson planning but plenty of in lesson and homework support which is more than manageable at this end! She’s doing her best keeping up with the Spanish courtesy of some fab links from her tutor and next week she will be doing some catch up Maths with her old tutor Judith.

    1. Yes, and then gas got so expensive and food and simply everything. It will be very different with only two children. I am not sure if the level of activities actually changes because there is still ballet 3-4 times per week, not different from other years. The only difference is that there are just two children going and not five. I do like the planning and getting ready and finding new things, but it is a lot of work. I am glad that Pip seems to have found her way in the jungle of education. Good for her to do some math and Spanish during the summer!

  2. Good luck with the planning. Your new notebook looks good. I'm sorry about more repairs! It's always something :( Will you have any German students that will be progressing with more advanced lessons?

    1. Thanks so much! The new school year is slowly taking shape. Yes, our repairs are an ongoing thing. We also still have the windows, but nobody is getting back to us. Pretty soon, we will have to nail cardboard in front of the holes :). No, no advanced lessons in the fall.

    2. Funny, we've had trouble getting a window repaired on the house. There's only one glass repair company it seems for the east end! And of course they are soooo busy.

    3. One company! That is hard to imagine. We still have not found a person who will come out here.


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