Thursday, July 21, 2022


Flora had her last art class this morning.  In the afternoon, the retired psychology professor came by and after some trial and error, we managed to get the cork floor taken apart.  It was hard work, crouching in front of the dishwasher in the heat, but we were successful!  Now I have to call Home Depot again . . . 

Flora hatte heute morgen ihre letzte Kunstklasse.  Nachmittags ist der pensionierte Psychologieprofessor vorbeigekommen und zusammen haben wir den Fußboden auseinander genommen.  Das war gar nicht so einfach, weil man nicht wußte, wo die "Nähte" waren, aber nach vielem Rumprobieren haben wir es endlich geschafft.  Es war bei dieser Wärme auch nicht so einfach da auf dem Fußboden vor der Spülmaschine rumzurkriechen.  Jetzt kann ich die Lieferanten/Handwerker wieder anrufen, damit sie endlich die Spülmaschine einbauen können.

Flora's painting from class today
Floras Bild, das sie heute gemalt hat.


  1. Really hope the flooring and dishwasher debacle is soon sorted. Is Peter still away? I’ve lost count the number of house issues you’ve handled whilst he’s been away! Flora’s art is really good, you can tell she really enjoys what she is doing. Sending love to you all xx

    1. Yes, he is still gone, but will come back tomorrow. I spent an hour on the phone to get a new date for the dishwasher people to come out again, but I finally managed to get one for early August! Our kitchen floor is a bit dangerous right now because of the different heights. I keep twisting my ankle. This morning we caught a mouse! It kept running from the partly disassembled dishwasher space into the living-room. But this morning, it was finally in the trap and we released it at the fire station. It has become a family joke that all important house issues seem to happen when Peter is gone . . . Luckily, there is always some friend/professor/neighbor who is willing to help me. Maybe a poor "deserted" woman deserves some help :). Flora loves that art teacher (she only teaches the summer courses). She is learning a lot and simply likes the atmosphere. Alas, art classes are over. Now we are gearing up for museum summer camp. I hope you are well!

  2. Oh, I see now (about the floor). Flora's painting looks very hot and tropical!

  3. Yes, I see that there are too many house issues when Peter is gone! I'm glad you have good neighbors . . and August will be here all too soon . . !

    1. Yes, it is my fate, I am afraid. I saw some goldenrod today, so late summer is coming.


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