Thursday, June 30, 2022

Kayak and Cheese/Kajak und Käse

The girls went kayaking on the Genesee yesterday.  The river is quite low right now and they went with a group from the college.  They came back wet and tired (and hungry), but had seen some neat birds and a water snake.

Die Mädchen sind gestern auf dem Genesee Kajak gefahren.  Im Moment führt der Fluß nicht viel Wasser.  Sie sind mit einer Gruppe vom College gefahren.  Sie sind naß und müde (und hungrig) wieder nach Hause gekommen, aber es gab auch interessante Vögel und eine Wasserschlange zu sehen.

Here they are walking to the place where the kayaks were.
Hier gehen sie zu der Stelle, wo die Kajaks waren.

I have spent my last days making many phone calls, including calling the plumber for the dishwasher pipe, the installation people for the dishwasher, our pediatrician again and again because the fax with the physical fitness certificate for Veronika was not coming through, and more.  I had hoped to get some planning done while the girls were gone, but it did not amount to much because I also had some errands to run.  Veronika was supposed to start work tomorrow, but since she did not get the physical fitness form in time to take it to the school to get her working papers, she cannot start tomorrow.  We will go to the school tomorrow and hopefully, they will issue them to us.  Miriam will also do the custodial work now; I think starting next week.  She does not need those working papers because she is 19.   And the plumber for the dishwasher pipe will come in the second week of June and the dishwasher will get installed a week later.  

Ich habe in den letzten Tagen lauter Telefonate erledigt.  Dazu gehörte der Klempner, der das neue Rohr installieren soll, die Leute, die die Spülmaschine anschließen sollen, unser Kinderarzt (mehrere Male), weil das Fax mit Veronikas Gesundheitszeugnis einfach nicht ankommen wollte, und viele andere.  Ich wollte eigentlich weiter für das neue Schuljahr planen, als die Mädchen Kajak gefahren sind, doch das ging dann eben nicht.  Ich mußte auch einige Besorgungen machen.  Veronika sollte ursprünglich morgen mit ihrem Job anfangen, doch das geht jetzt nicht, weil wir ihre Papier bei der Schulbehörde noch nicht haben ausfüllen können, da ja die Papiere vom Kinderarzt fehlten.  Hoffentlich kann die Schule die Papiere morgen ausstellen und Veronika dann beim College alles einreichen, so daß sie Montag anfangen kann.  Miriam wird dann wohl auch da arbeiten,doch braucht sie keine bestimmten Papiere mehr, weil sie ja schon 19 ist.   Und der Klempner kommt jetzt Mitte Juni, damit wir ein neues Rohr für die Spülmaschine bekommen.  Die Spülmaschine selbst wird dann eine Woche danach angeschlossen.

Peter found this German cheese with edible wildflowers.  Isn't it pretty?
Peter hat diesen deutschen Käse mit eßbaren Blumen gefunden.  Ist er nicht hübsch?


  1. That is a very pretty cheese. I found a cheese with caraway seeds two weeks ago at the green market which I meant to take to my sister, but I forgot to pack it! I guess Greg and I will have to eat it and I'll have to get some for her another time (she had been saying how she missed being able to get Norwegian Nokklost cheese-this isn't exactly the same, but it is similar).

    The kayaking trip sounds very fun! It's wonderful they could go. It sounds like your patience with the phone calls is slowly paying off :) I hope the installation goes smoothly and you can get more planning done. It was hot by us today, and I think the next few days will be the same. Oh! And good luck with Veronika's papers! xoxo

    1. Yes, it looks very inviting. Have you eaten the caraway cheese? Caraway cheese is quite popular in the north of Germany. Maybe that is why it is also a popular cheese in Norway?

      They saw interesting things on the trip, but it was a bit too stressful for Flora. They had told me they would put all four girls into one kayak, but they did not and gave them each individual ones. Flora had never done kayaking and really struggled with the motion. NF1 children get motion-sick very quickly. They also had just a very small lunch on the way. We always eat our big meal at lunch time and Flora has problems with her blood sugar if she does not eat enough. The description of the trip sounded like they would get a proper meal. Oh well, it was an experience and she finished the trip.
      We have had very interesting weather here: Quite warm during the day, but sometimes chilly at night. The heat has been going on in the mornings! Veronika's papers are done and she worked today for the first time.

    2. I'm glad Flora made it through the adventure, but I'm sorry it was stressful. I remember things happening like this when the girls were younger in relation to field trips with other groups. Sometimes the event descriptions can be misleading and it can be very frustrating and disappointing. Flora was a "trooper" to persevere. Kudos to her for making it through.
      Our weather has been very pleasant: warm during the day and cooler at night, and always a good breeze. So nice! But it hasn't been cold enough to put the heat on, that is very, very unusual!

    3. She says she cannot look at the river without thinking she will get sick :). I think our weather has been similar, it is just a bit colder here.


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