Wednesday, June 15, 2022


It is really hot today and we are in for a huge storm tonight.  I think we reached 90 degrees.  Peter picked up our car from the car shop today.  It needed a new thermostat.  He had left it there yesterday and took the bus back home (yes, we do have a bus around here).  Today, our secretary gave him a ride to the car shop.  Now we have a car again, which has also passed the NYS car inspection.  Miriam practiced driving tonight.  She is getting better and better.  Veronika has filled out the forms to help with the summer camps at the living history museum.  Miriam is too old now for that work and Flora is still too young, but she will do a summer camp in August.  Charlotte is doing ballet work-outs here at home and is enjoying time in the garden with Miriam (they have been planting things).  Jonathan is busy with his different summer projects.  Tomorrow is the children's art exhibition on campus.  This is a big social event for all people here.  It was too muggy to take pictures today.  But below is a picture of a cute picture book we read: The Mousehole Cat  (paid link).  This book is actually about a real town in England.

Es ist heute sehr heiß, über 30 Grad, und heute nacht sollen starke Gewitter durchziehen.  Peter hat unser Auto von der Werkstatt abgeholt.  Es brauchte ein neues Thermostat und mußte durch den TÜV.  Er hat das Auto schon gestern dorthin gebracht und ist mit dem Bus zurückgekommen.  Heute hat unsere Sekretärin ihn zur Werkstatt gefahren, damit er unser Auto abholen konnte.  Miriam übt fleißig Autofahren.  Sie wird immer besser.  Veronika hat die Papiere vom Freilichtmuseum ausgefüllt, damit sie bei einem Ferienlager aushelfen kann.  Miriam ist inzwischen zu alt, um bei den Lagern zu helfen, und Flora ist noch zu jung dafür, aber sie wird ja bei einem Lager im August mitmachen.  Charlotte macht jeden Tag Ballett und arbeitet mit Miriam im Garten.  Jonathan hat viel mit seinen Praktika zu tun.  Morgen ist die große Kunstausstellung der Kinder hier im Ort.  Alle Schüler unserer Kunstlehrerin stellen ihre Bilder aus.  Es kommen da immer ganz viele Leute hin.  Ich habe heute nichts fotografiert, weil es viel zu schwül war, aber wir haben ein hübsches Bilderbuch über ein Dorf in England gelesen: Mauzel.  Das Buch spielt in einem echten Dorf in England.  


  1. We love the mouse hole cat!! It’s warm here also which has affected both Dave and Pip. Your lovely present arrived and is perfect since I don’t have one! I’m hoping to finally update the blog 🙂

    1. Oh, you know the book! It is such a sweet story and the pictures are gorgeous! Now I need to travel to Mousehole. I am glad that the gift arrived and it is wonderful that you can use it. I have a similar brush and use it quite a bit (although the other day I forgot to use it and we had sand in our Swiss chard -- the girls were not happy about that.). I am sorry to hear about Dave and Pip! We can always escape and sit in the main college building, but we have not done that so far this year. The building there is air-conditioned. But then we have to take along all the things we need and that is a hassle. With the planning I am doing, I prefer to stay right here at home. I hope your temperatures will go down soon. I hope you will get a chance to blog again. I also have to send a reply to your last e-mail . . .


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