Monday, June 27, 2022

Post Office Walk and NYS Birding Opportunity/Spaziergang

We had a lovely walk to the post office today.  It was neither hot nor cold.
Unser Spaziergang zur Post war perfekt: Es war weder zu kalt noch zu heiß.

Flora is doing a main lesson in astronomy right now.  Here we are marking the shadow of a pin, recorded at different times during the day.

Flora macht im Moment eine Himmelskunde Epoche.  Hier haben wir markiert, wie der Schatten einer großen Nadel im Laufe des Tages wandert. 

Flora is also participating in the I Bird NY challenge.  There is a children's version and an adult version.  

Our summer activities are slowly taking shape: I registered Flora for free art classes in the county.  Veronika will work on campus (custodial) work, but still needs her working papers because she is under 18.  To get those, you need a physical from your doctor.  She has had that, but we don't have a certificate about it and so I had to call our pediatrician today to ask for such a certificate.  They said they would fax it.  I have to take it to the local school and then she will get her working papers in order to start her job in July.  I find this very complicated.  Miriam might also do custodial work, but she will definitely do babysitting soon.  Charlotte will teach ballet at our studio soon and Jonathan is working as a teaching assistant at the Hertog Foundation right now (a short interruption of his internship).  The other day, they had a jogging tour of the Mall.  We are supposed to get a new dishwasher tomorrow.  That will be quite a change.  Our old one broke last fall.  The delivery might be at 7:30 a.m.!  That is why I'd better go to bed now.

Unser Sommer nimmt so langsam Gestalt an: Ich habe Flora für kostenlose Kunstklassen im Landkreis angemeldet.  Veronika wir beim College arbeiten (Reinigung).  Da sie noch nicht 18 ist, braucht sie ein Zertifikat vom Arzt, daß sie körperlich fit ist.  Sie hat eine Vorsorgeuntersuchung vor einigen Wochen gehabt, die das bescheinigt, doch haben wir kein Zertifikat dafür bekommen, weil wir nicht wußten, daß wir eins brauchen würden.  Also mußte ich beim Kinderarzt anrufen und fragen, ob sie uns eins faxen können.  Sie haben gesagt, sie wollten das tun.  Damit muß ich zur Schule gehen, die Veronika dann ihre "Arbeitspapiere" ausstellen.  Ohne die darf sie nicht arbeiten und Geld verdienen.  Miriam macht vielleicht auch die gleiche Arbeit, aber auf jeden Fall macht sie bald Babysitting.  Charlotte fängt bald mit Ballettunterricht in unserem Studio an (sie unterrichtet Sommerkurse).  Jonathan arbeitet als Assistent bei der Hertog Stiftung im Moment.  Neulich haben sie eine Joggingtour durch Washington gemacht!  Wenn er mit seiner Arbeit da fertig ist, geht er zu seinem Praktikum zurück.  Morgen sollen wir eine neue Spülmaschine bekommen.  Die alte ist im Herbst kaputt gegangen.  Sie wird eventuell schon um halb acht geliefert!  Deswegen sollte ich jetzt wohl ins Bett gehen! 


  1. Hello Eva, what is a jogging tour?! I remember getting working papers for Korrina at a local high school. Thanks for the link for the birding challenging. Keep us posted as to what birds you see!

    1. The students had the choice between walking or jogging around the Mall with two different professors. Since Jonathan is a teaching assistant, he thought he should do the jogging tour to show that he was capable of doing so. I thought the idea was crazy, but he thought it was neat. We are still waiting for the physical form from our doctor. I called twice, but so far they have not been faxed and she needs the working papers by tomorrow. The secretary at the doctor yesterday said she could fill out the complete papers, not just the physical form and then we would not need to go to the school. I hope that is true. Flora has a list of birds she needs to find and she has found almost all of them. They went kayaking on the Genesee yesterday and saw some neat ones. I will list them once I find her form she is using.

    2. A jogging tour actually sounds fun and very different! Funny!
      I hope all works out with the papers . . paperwork can be so frustrating.

    3. I guess they must have stopped at the sites. They probably draw lots of attention. Right now, he is back at the Mall to watch the fireworks. It all worked out with the paperwork in the end, but what a hassle! I don't think it should be so complicated to get a simple summer job.

  2. I agree!! It should not be so difficult! I remember this when getting Korrina's papers. (The fireworks on the mall must have been beautiful!)

    1. I read that getting the papers for a newspaper delivery job is even more complicated. I think the firework was great.


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