Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Yes, I know it is Tuesday, but I did not take any pictures today and so I thought I would post the Monday pictures.  

Ja, ich weiß, daß es heute schon Dienstag ist, aber ich habe heute keine Fotos gemacht und mir so gedacht, die Fotos von Montag hier einzustellen.  

Flora is working on geometry: the point and the line.
Flora übt sich in Geometrie: der Punkt und die Linie.  

We had some scones that were left from Sunday's breakfast.
Es gab "Scones", die noch vom Sonntagsfrühstück übrig waren.  

Here, Flora is drawing a picture about Hanuman, Sita, and Ravana.  
Hier malt Flora ein Bild zu Hanuman, Sita und Ravana.  

Veronika: Building graphite
Veronika: Konstruktion von Graphit

There was some snow on Monday and more today.
Am Montag gab es neuen Schnee und heute noch mehr.  

This was in the front yard on the way to the post office.
Der hier stand im Vorgarten eines Hauses auf dem Weg zur Post.  

Not many cars are on our main street.
Es gibt nicht so viele Autos auf unserer Hauptstraße.  

Flora is having fun throwing snow into the creek.
Flora wirft Schnee in unseren Bach, was ihr großen Spaß macht.  

The students are coming back soon!
Die Studenten kommen bald wieder zurück!

There are a lot of woodpeckers around this winter.
Diesen Winter sieht man überall Spechte.  

This little guy was in the huge maple tree shown below, on the very top.
Dieser kleine Kerl war ganz hoch im Ahornbaum, den man unten sieht.  

Well, we did more things, but I did not get to take pictures or write about them.  Today was ballet afternoon/evening and Peter drove because there were 8-10 inches snow in the town where the ballet studio is.  I was not very keen on driving with so much snow and in the dark.  

Wir haben noch mehr gemacht, aber ich habe dann keine Chance mehr gehabt, etwas zu fotografieren oder dazu zu schreiben.  Heute war Ballett am Nachmittag/Abend.  Peter ist gefahren, weil es in dem Ort, wo Ballett ist, 20-25 cm Neuschnee geben sollte bzw. schon gegeben hatte und ich keine Lust hatte, bei soviel Schnee im Dunkeln zu fahren.  


  1. You have a very pretty Main Street, and that snowman is the cutest I've ever seen :) It's fun to see the work Veronika and Flora are doing, and your walk with Flora reminds me of many walks with Chanda when her sisters were busy with other things, and it was just the two of us. I also have many memories of outings with just my mom after my sister went off to college. Your bird photos and movies are always amazing! Oh . . those grey winter days!

    1. Oh, thanks, Dorina! It used to have a schoolhouse, a blacksmith, a store, and an inn, but only the inn is left. There is still the church, but a newer building. Yes, sometimes those walks are just for Flora and me and today I actually walked all by myself. Charlotte and Flora went sledding and the others were busy with other things. But I ran into some children from our town who showed me their sledding skills :). I also ran into two women I know and had a nice chat, so I was not completely alone. Yesterday, I saw four woodpeckers at once, which is quite rare. Very grey, I do miss the sun!

    2. I think our winters are more grey than what they used to be. Hopefully, we'll get more sunshine soon! Your walk sounds so nice, and it's great that the inn still exists . . have you seen photos of the school, blacksmith and shop?

    3. Yes, I think so too! We used to get tons of snow, but also lots of blue skies with it. Now we get less snow and greyer skies.

      Yes, I have seen pictures! We have a whole book on our hamlet and how it grew from a rowdy canal town to what it is now. That inn was notorious for drunken boat people. The Erie canal had many small canals that fed into it, including our Genesee Valley Canal. The Wesleyans around here, fought a brave fight against alcohol.


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