Saturday, December 19, 2020

Christmas Baking/Weihnachtsbacken

The baking has started: Spekulatius (spice cookies, baked only for Christmas)!
Das Backen hat angefangen: Spekulatius!

We still need a few specialty ingredients, which Peter will buy on Monday (we also ordered some).  Then we will bake some more.  

Wir brauchen noch einige Sonderzutaten, die nur einige amerikanische Läden verkaufen und die Peter am Montag kaufen will oder die schon per Bestellung an uns unterwegs sind.  Dann können wir mehr backen.  


  1. I had a bad night sleeping so got up at 5am, actually managed to write a blog post update and visit here! Your package arrived thank you and is safely nestled under the tree. I finally managed to post your gift yesterday so with a bit of luck you might receive it before the Epiphany. I hope you are all keeping warm despite the snow and that life is treating you kindly, with love San xx

    1. Sorry to hear you did not sleep well. I am glad that the package arrived. That did go fairly quickly. We will still send our letter from here to you, but it is not ready yet. Flora was so happy to finally get a lot of snow. Stay healthy during this crazy time.


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