Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Magnetic field with two bar magnets, opposing poles facing each other.  
Magnetisches Feld mit zwei Magneten, die sich gegenüber stehen.  

Veronika has been exploring magnetism.  Here she is experimenting with the magnetic field by making patterns with iron filings and a magnet/magnets placed under a sheet of paper.

Veronika hat sich mit dem Magnetismus beschäftigt.  Hier experimentiert sie mit dem magnetischen Feld und macht Muster mit Eisenspänen und Magneten, die sich unter dem Papier befinden.  

Just one magnet
Nur ein Magnet

Two magnets with same poles opposing each other
Zwei Magnete mit gleichen Polen, die sich gegenüber liegen. 

Horseshoe magnet

 Making a compass with a magnetized needle: It works!
Wir machen einen Magneten mit einer magnetisierten Nadel: Es klappt!

 Floating paperclip
Schwebende Büroklammer

Magnetism can do wonders
Magnetismus kann Wunder bewirken.

We also ate the first American asparagus of the season.  
Wir haben auch den ersten amerikanischen Spargel der Saison gegessen (hier ißt man nur grünen Spargel).  


  1. Magnetism is very fascinating!

    I love asparagus. It's nice to have local vegetables. I bought a spaghetti squash the other day, but it was from Mexico. Since we've been driving up to CT the past two weekends, I haven't been able to get to our farmer's market. I hope to soon again!

    1. Yes, especially since the magnetic poles keep moving around. I was surprised to see US asparagus. Normally we don't get that until April. Is Toby all by himself all the time?

    2. I was happy to find California avocados in my health food store this evening. Usually they are from Mexico.

      Toby has a neighbor come by once or twice a day. Other than that, she is alone the whole time. My sister would like to have someone stay in the house while they are gone, but has never been able to find someone. You're fortunate that when you've been gone for a long time, you've been able to find a house and cat sitter xoxo

    3. Wonderful! I am not sure if we still have avocados at the local grocery store anymore. It is hard to find pet-sitters! That is always our problem when we go to London, but most of the time you do find students who love cats.

  2. I remember doing that compass experiment many moons ago with Ben! Well done Veronika xx

    1. Good for you! Veronika is truly enjoying the experiments. I will comment on your blog soon, but we have been so busy with college stuff here that there is not much time for anything else.

  3. Nur grüner Spargel? Warum kein weißer? Schöne Magnet-Experimente habt ihr gemacht. Muss ich Mumpel mal zeigen.

    1. Den kennt man hier gar nicht. Ich glaube, er wächst hier nicht gut. Den weißen Spargel, den man hin und wieder bekommt, kommt aus Südamerika. Ja, das mit dem Magnetismus hat Veronika Spaß gemacht.


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