Sunday, March 22, 2020

Online Masses/Messe online

We just finished celebrating Mass online with the Notre Dame community.  Catholic TV has a list of live Masses for today.   Father Alexander, from St. Patrick's Church in Soho/London, is looking for subscribers to his YouTube channel so that he can live-stream his Mass.  He needs 1000 subscriber.  You can subscribe here by clicking the red button.  St. Patrick's Church is one of the churches we have attended a lot during our time in London and I am still subscribed to their newsletters.

Wir haben soeben die Messe bei Notre Dame, unserer alten Uni, mitgefeiert.  Sie machen jeden Sonntag eine Messe um 10.00 Uhr mit Übertragung.  Wenn man eine deutsche Messe sucht, kann man hier fündig werden.      


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