Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Nothing New/Nichts Neues

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I don't really have anything exciting to report.  And I did not take any pictures.  We had an oven repair man come today and he told us that our oven is not worth repairing anymore.  So we have to look into buying a new range, but right now that is only possible to do online.  Our time is spent with homeschooling, teaching online, grading online, "zooming" online, and more online . . .  Whenever all four laptops are "on," our connections don't work very well anymore.  It is really annoying.  Now Peter ordered a new router.  Maybe that will help?

We finished the second book of "Urmel" by Max Kruse for our supper read-aloud.  Now we are reading an English book called Mystery of the Pirate's Ghost.

Flora and I watched two squirrels building nests today.  One Gray Squirrel went into the woods to get nesting material and put it into a hole in a dead tree trunk.  While it was gone, a Red Squirrel, which was peeking out of a hole below the Gray Squirrel's one, ran up to the Gray Squirrel's nest and took some of the nesting material in order to deposit it into its own nest.  As soon as it heard the Gray Squirrel come back, the Red Squirrel went into hiding.  It was so funny to watch!

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Ich habe eigentlich keine Neuigkeiten zu berichten.  Ich habe auch nichts fotografiert.  Wir hatten einen Ofenreparateur hier, aber es hat sich herausgestellt, daß eine Reparatur des Backofens soviel wie ein neuer billiger Herd kosten würde.  Also werden wir wohl einen neuen Herd brauchen, was man im Moment aber nur online machen kann.  Die meiste Zeit sind wir "online", weil irgendjemand immer dort unterrichten muß, ein Seminar hat oder Hausaufgaben korrigieren muß.  Das ist ziemlich nervig, doch machen wir auch normalen Hausunterricht weiter, der zum Glück nicht dort stattfindet.  Leider funktionieren auch alle vier Laptops nicht richtig, wenn einer von uns "Zoom" machen muß.  Peter hat einen neuen Router bestellt, mal sehen, ob das helfen wird.  
Wir haben Urmel fliegt ins All zu Ende gelesen.  Jetzt lesen wir ein englisches Buch, das "Mystery of the Pirate's Ghost" heißt.  

Flora und ich haben heute zwei Eichhörnchen beobachtet.  Das eine war grau und das andere rot.  Das graue hat sich Nestmaterial beschafft und in eine Baumhöhle transportiert.  Immer wenn es wieder auf Suche ging, hat das rote Eichhörnchen das Material gestohlen und in seine eigene Höhle transportiert.  Tauchte das graue Eichhörnchen wieder auf, versteckte sich der kleine Dieb.  Es war einfach sehr lustig anzusehen!

Since the Coronavirus is really bad in New York State and the world, I thought I would end by posting a holy card of St.Corona.

Da das Coronavirus hier in New York und auf der Welt so schlimm ist, habe ich mir gedacht, ich lade noch ein Heiligenkärtchen der heiligen Corona hoch!


  1. Thank you for posting about St. Corona. We do need her and St. Victor's prayers. That is so funny about the squirrels, and the mystery book looks like a good read.

    I'm sorry about your oven! I hope you are able to find one that's not too expensive that can be delivered soon, and I can understand about all those computers vying for time online. Too much online! Take good care, dear Eva. xoxo

    1. Isn't it strange that her name matches the virus?!

      My dad called today and said he would pay for a new oven! That is so generous. We will look online at Home Depot. There are not many options around here. Most places you have to drive to and they don't have a great selection.

    2. All this online-stuff is challenging. I don't mind a little bit of it, but right now, it is simply too much.

    3. Hooray for Dad! That's wonderful, Eva. I hope you find something you like.

      I hear you about the online time. It can be very frustrating.

    4. Well, there are just three kinds in stock in that particular Home Depot that have the right dimensions. So, it has to be one of those. We might go for a Samsung. It has been reduced by a lot. It is so sweet that my dad thought of us. He has so many other things to worry about.


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