Tuesday, October 22, 2024

College Tours/Collegebesichtigungen

Drexel University

Peter and Veronika have been in Pennsylvania visiting colleges, but are on their way home now.  They visited Drexel University and Albright College.  So far, I have only gotten pictures from Drexel from them, but I did get a report from both visits.   


All these pictures are of the main building at Drexel.  This building used to be the only university building when they started out.  It is truly impressive.  The founder of Drexel was the uncle of  St. Katherine Drexel.

All diese Bilder sind von dem Hauptgebäude von Drexel.  Früher war das das einzige Gebäude der Uni.  Es ist sehr imposant.  Der Gründer der Uni war der Onkel der Hl. Katharine Drexel.

Flora and I have been enjoying our two day college break.  Of course, the Academy does not follow the college breaks and also art and ballet are not on break.  Since we are without a car, we had to arrange rides for Flora to get to ballet.  It all worked out and she will be back soon with friends of ours.  On Sunday, we gathered beautiful leaves and dipped them into hot beeswax to preserve them.

Flora und ich haben unsere zwei Tage Collegeferien genossen.  Natürlich hat die Akademie, wo sie zweimal die Woche Theater hat, keine Ferien und auch Ballett und Kunst machen keine Pause.  Also mußten wir eine Fahrgelegenheit für Ballett finden, da Peter und Veronika ja das Auto haben.  Es hat alles geklappt und Flora wird bald von Freunden vom Ballett nach Hause gefahren.  Am Sonntag haben wir beide schöne Herbstblätter gesammelt und dann in heißes Bienenwachs getunkt, damit die Blätter länger halten.

Here is a cat who was very interested in the running water coming out of the kitchen faucet.
Hier ist eine Katze, die sehr an dem fließenden Wasser interessiert war, das aus dem Küchenwasserhahn kam.

Miriam and some other students hiked to Heiligenkreuz.  With stops and breaks, it took them almost eight hours.

Miriam und ihre Kommilitonen sind nach Heiligenkreuz gewandert.  Mit Pausen und Essen hat es fast acht Stunden gedauert.

And today, she baked a cake with one of her Magdalen College friends.  They had to figure out how a convection oven works.  And the other day she told she had to read a lot of Francis Bacon and do a lot of Biblical Greek homework.  She can always tell other people that she saw his grave in St. Albans.

Und heute hat sie einen Kuchen mit einer ihrer Freundinnen von ihrem alten College (Magdalen College) gebacken.  Die beiden mußten herausfinden, wie ein Umluftbackofen funktioniert.  Und neulich hat sie mir erzählt, daß sie viel von Francis Bacon lesen mußte und auch viel für Bibelgriechisch tun mußte.  Sie kann immer erzählen, daß sie sein Grab in St. Albans gesehen hat.

Poor Charlotte still has a cough and could not go on a camping trip.  But she spent some time working in a café.  

Die arme Charlotte hat immer noch einen Husten und konnte daher nicht an einem Campingausflug teilnehmen.  Aber sie war in einem Café und hat da gearbeitet.


And Jonathan is working hard and is making friends with all the wild turkeys.
Und Jonathan arbeitet fleißig und amüsiert sich hin und wieder mit den wilden Truthähnen.


  1. Na, da wünsche ich ihr viel Glück, dass sie das richtige College findet.
    Übrigens, ich backe schon seit über 40 Jahren mit Umluft. Ist einfach hervorragend.

    1. Ja, das hoffen wir auch. Im November schaut sie sich noch eins an, aber wird sich bei allen bewerben und dann mal sehen, was für Stipendien sie bekommt. Meine Mutter hat auch so einen Ofen, aber ich mag Umluft nur für einige Sachen. Hier in Amerika sieht man das nicht oft, es gibt viel mehr Gasherde hier, und ich liebe meinen Gasherd und -ofen.

    2. Meinen Gasherd vermisse ich sehr, wir hatten fast vierzig Jahre einen, aber die gibt es in D nicht so oft und es war nicht möglich, den einfach in unserer Küche hier einzubauen. Aber Gasöfen habe ich nie gerne benutzt, es gibt in Europe viele Kombi-Geräte, Gasherd, Elektroofen. Und ich backe fast nur mit Umluft.

    3. Ich habe gerade gelesen, daß sie hier in NY bald verboten werden sollen, auf jeden Fall in Neubauten. Ich weiß, daß es kaum Gasherde in Deutschland gibt. Als ich im Waldorfkindergarten bei Bonn gearbeitet habe, gab es da einen. Vor dem habe ich immer großen Respekt gehabt.

    4. Wir hatten in unserem ersten Haus in D einen Gasherd, weil wir ihn schon aus Belgien kannten. Dann in England und den Niederlanden natürlich auch, die haben alle Gasherde.
      Als vor Jahren die Cousine meines Mannes zu Besuch war, hat sie oft tagsüber gekocht, weil wir arbeiten waren und sie kleine Kinder hatte. Am Anfang meinte sie, das würde sie nicht können. Als sie nach zwei Wochen wieder nach Hause fuhren, hat sie sich gleich eintragen lassen, dass sie in ihrem Neubau einen Gasherd bekommen kann.

    5. Ha, ha, das ist lustig mit Deiner Kusine!

    6. Und sie kocht heute, mehr als dreißig Jahre später, immer noch mit Gas.

    7. Tut es auch. Wenn man sich erst einmal in Gas verliebt hat, will man nichts anderes mehr.

  2. I love Jonathan's turkey videos . . their clucks sound very sweet! Miriam goes on wonderful hikes. She's quite intrepid! Such beautiful photos too! That is the cutest photo of Leo sitting upright on the kitchen sink and staring into the camera :) Drexel looks very nice! Is Veronika enjoying the college tours? I think it would be fun. Does she have any favorites? Or a checklist of what she would like? Hopefully Charlotte's cough goes away soon. Greg has been under the weather too, but is slowly on the mend (still able to work, albeit from home).

    1. He is our bird lover, remember?! And there are so many in Cambridge! They do not seem to be afraid of anything. Yes, Miriam is our "explorer" I would say. She is going to Northern Germany next week to visit my family. It is her fall break. Flora took that picture of Leo :). Drexel seems to be a pretty place and has a lot to offer. Veronika sat in on a class, but she said half of the students were looking at their phones when the teacher was speaking. She did not think that was okay (and neither do I: I do not allow my students to even get their phones out) and was not impressed. She will fly to California next month to visit one more college and then she will be done with visits. I think she is enjoying the tours, but so far none of the places she has visited has impressed her immensely. They are all okay and have good and bad points, but none has been outstanding. She will apply to all of them and see what kind of financial aid/tuition exchange she will get. Charlotte seems to be having a new cough. If does not go away, she will have to go to urgent care. She is still on our NY health insurance, which makes it more complicated to see a doctor. I hope Greg will be better by now. All our students here are getting sick.

    2. I've put Greg on an immune boosting regimen of vitamin C and echinacea tea. He has been having too many cookies every day! During Covid we were all very good, but not lately. My nephew in Vermont is recovering from pneumonia :( He was very sick for two weeks and had to refrain from teaching. I hope Charlotte's cough gets better and that the urgent care center is helpful. Greg is better but has not wanted to go into work yet as his cough is still very uncomfortable (he's working from home). The health insurance is so difficult to work out, unfortunately. I agree with you and Veronika about that class at Drexel. No phones when someone is teaching! I hope she finds a good place with very helpful aid.

    3. Good! Has it helped? Too many cookies. Peter loves cookies . . . The urgent care center first had trouble with her insurance and told her she had to pay everything right away, which was not true (according to the information from our insurance). Charlotte managed to convince them that they should send the bill to the insurance first and only paid her co-payment. She was put on prednisone, but the doctor thought it was not pneumonia. So far, it has not made much of a difference, though. We will see if it gets better by the end of the week. Yes, I also hope that Veronika will find a good place.

    4. I hope Charlotte has improved a little. Greg is much better (only an occasional cough) but my cold/cough has turned into a sinus infection. We'll see how this week goes.

    5. I think she has for now. I told her they might have different viruses in Colorado, so her immune system is acting up. Has your sinus infection cleared up?

    6. Yes, thank goodness! I'm much better with just a little bit of sniffles.

    7. Good, but now you have to worry about Greg!

    8. Lol yes :) but thankfully he's doing better this week.

    9. Good! I hope he will be back to his usual self soon.

  3. P.S. Miriam's cake looks delicious! Was it a spice cake?

  4. Everyone busy as usual! I hope the college trips proved fruitful in helping Veronika and you and Peter reach the best decision. I bet Flora enjoyed being the only ‘kid’ in the house and the beeswax activity sounded very peaceful.

    Thank you for sharing snippets of the older three. It sounds like Miriam has really settled into University life and it must be a comfort to know she is with friends from her previous college. I’m sorry to read that Charlotte is still unwell and as usual Mr J’s sense of humour (courtesy of Peter I think 😂) makes a regular appearance. Leo too is worthy of a mention and he is a very inquisitive chap for sure. Happy Caturday to you all. Love San xx

    1. Yes, even when there is a college break, we are busy :). Veronika has one more college to go to and then she has seen all we wanted to see. She will apply to almost all of them and see what kind of financial aid she can get. Flora likes to do things with me, but she does not like to be without her siblings. She misses them terribly and writes to them every day.

      Miriam is happy and is going to see my parents and some of my siblings next week! We just spent two days trying to reserve train tickets for her. It was very complicated to find the right trains and then also to pay! Our American credit cards were not working and we tried PayPal, but that also did not work at the beginning. We finally managed to get it to work and now she can go on Tuesday. It will take her about 11 hours to get there, but she is looking forward to it. It will be her fall break. We talked to Charlotte today and she still has a cough (or is it a new one?). If it does not improve soon, she will see an urgent care doctor. She is still on our health insurance and seeing a doctor "out-of-network" is very complicated. Yes, Jonathan does like strange things :). Leo is very curious and tries many strange things. Today he tried to eat Flora's hair . . .

  5. Catching up with you 🩷. Poppy always tried to eat our hair if we’d been to the swimming baths 🙄. How lovely that Miriam gets to see your family, that will be a real treat. I saw on another post that Charlotte was prescribed steroids since her cough just wasn’t shifting. I hope she is soon feeling more like herself xx

    1. Maybe hair is like catching a mouse? Miriam had a wonderful time with my family. Now she is back in Austria. Charlotte is going from one cold/flu to the next. She has felt poorly for a month now. She even ended up in the ER because she felt she could not breathe and thought it was pneumonia (that was after a doctor had prescribed steroids). But the x-ray did not confirm pneumonia. Right now her nose is really bad. And most of the time she either has to dance or teach. She is not happy. Peter has a former student who lives in Denver and was going to bring her some soup yesterday. I have not heard if she received the soup or not. It is not nice to be sick when you are all on your own.

    2. Saw this Eva and I do hope Charlotte starts to get better. I'll keep her in my prayers xoxo

    3. She finally got better, but now she is confronted with horrendous doctor's bills. She is still on our insurance, but I guess Denver is very expensive and we have a huge deductible.

    4. The deductibles are terrible for everyone, and every place feels so very expensive :( I worry that things do not seem to be getting better for our children. I pray but also encourage them all to vote and stay abreast of local politics so we can try to have good people making laws for us.

    5. Yes, you do not want to see a doctor anymore. Colorado seems to have some medical help for low-income people, but Charlotte needs to fill out lots of paperwork for that. I am not sure if this is a matter of laws, though. I think the whole health care system has gotten out of hand, but I am not sure how to fix it. There are too many unnecessary tests, recommendations, surgeries, etc. People do not eat well and do not exercise. Herbal and homeopathy is not used a lot and people don't even know how to help themselves anymore. To fix that is really hard!


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