Friday, October 11, 2024

Cat, Dog, Homeschool, and Birds/Katze, Hund, Schule zu Hause und Vogel

Leo was very happy to receive his PetSmart order today.  We live far away from a decent pet store, so we do have auto shipments with PetSmart.

Leo hat sich sehr gefreut, daß eine neue Bestellung mit Katzenstreu und -futter für ihn heute angekommen ist.  Wir leben weit weg von der nächsten guten Tierhandlung und daher wird Katzenfutter regelmäßig geschickt.

Mountain Lion

A fascinating picture book (paid link) on swifts.
Ein faszinierendes Bilderbuch über Mauersegler.

A visitor at our feeder
Ein Besucher am Futterhäuschen

An experiment to demonstrate how the cooling system of the internal combustion engine works.
Ein Experiment das zeigt, wie ein Verbrennungsmotor gekühlt wird.

Flute music

Leo hiding in the kitchen cabinet (he is not supposed to be in there).
Leo versteckt sich im Küchenschrank (wo er nicht sein soll).

Flora walking Cooper
Flora geht mit Cooper spazieren.

Tomorrow, Flora has a pointe shoe fitting because her pointe shoes are too small!
Morgen hat Flora einen Termin im Ballettladen, um neue Spitzentanzschuhe angepaßt zu bekommen.  Die alten sind zu klein!


  1. Poppy loves boxes too! Mum H has a cat called Lucy and she can often be found hiding under the sink specially if visitors arrive. Dave’s mum has tried all sorts to keep her out but to no avail 😂. Happy pointe shoe shopping 🩷

    1. Ah, I guess under the sink is a protective place. Leo also likes paper bags. He is a funny cat. They did not have the right pointe shoes in stock, so the ones they picked will get shipped here.

  2. Where will you go for the pointe shoes? Zuzu and Cricket try to get into the cabinets because that is where their food is kept! Leo looks very cozy :) I'm sure the internal combustion experiment was interesting! And it must be nice to hear Veronika play the flute. The red headed woodpecker is so pretty!

    1. There is only one ballet store in the area. They have three branches: one in Orchard Park, one if Williamsville, and one in Rochester. Peter went to the Williamsville one. They did not have the right size in stock, so the shoes will get shipped here, but Flora had a good fitting. I stayed home because I wanted to wash the shower curtains and look for a pair of gloves and a scarf, Jonathan was asking for. I love those woodpeckers! I have to record Veronika one of these days. I also still want to take pictures of Flora's main lesson book and her description of all those experiments. Ah, Leo's food is not in that cupboard, but the mice go in there. I think that is why he was in there.

    2. Oh, that's funny about the mice in the cupboard! Leo looks out for you :)
      I have always loved visiting dance stores. It's good Flora could have a fitting and good that the shoes will be shipped to you.
      I have scarves, gloves and sweaters to look for also! It's that time of year. I hope you found the ones for Jonathan.


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