Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Quince Cake and Ballet/Quittenkuchen und Ballett

We baked a German quince cook for Sunday.  It was very good.
Für Sonntag haben wir einen Quittenkuchen gebacken.  Er war sehr lecker.

It does look like fall now!  (ballet drive today)
Jetzt sieht es schon wie Herbst aus!  (Ballettfahrt heute)

Clouds on the way back from ballet.
Wolkenhimmel auf der Rückfahrt

Flora is on the left.  I took this picture today, when I waited for the girls to finish dancing.
Flora ist links.  Das habe ich heute fotografiert, als ich auf die Mädchen gewartet habe.

Veronika in "Snowflakes" (rehearsal on Friday)
Veronika als eine der Schneeflocken (Probe am Freitag)

I hope to write more about our homeschool again soon.  We have been doing neat science experiments and are reading great books.

Hoffentlich schreibe ich dann auch endlich wieder mehr über unsere Schule hier zu Hause.  Flora und ich machen schicke Experiment in Physik (Technologie) und wir alle lesen schöne Bücher.  

Miriam went to the March for Life in Vienna with her fellow students.  They had a brass band playing.  I guess you cannot do any event without a brass band in Austria.  Jonathan went to the Red Mass in Boston and Charlotte danced in Cinderella.

Miriam war beim Marsch fürs Leben in Wien mit ihren Kommilitonen.  Es gab so gar eine Kapelle, die Marschmusik gespielt hat.  Ohne die geht es in Österreich vielleicht nicht.  Jonathan war bei der Roten Messe in Boston, die für Juristen ist und Jonathan hat in Cinderella getanzt.

Seaport Shrine of our Lady of Good Voyage

Cinderella stage
Bühne für Cinderella

Charlotte as fairy
Charlotte als Fee


  1. Lovely photos of Charlotte 🩷. Miriam looks like she has settled in nicely and Veronika and Flora are no doubt in the throes of nutcracker rehearsals - the year has certainly sped by xx

    1. Thanks, San! Yes, Miriam is doing well. She has spotted two hedgehogs and is very happy about that. (The do not exist in the U.S.) Yes, rehearsals have started. Hard to believe that Christmas is not that far off anymore.

  2. So fun to see the ballet photos . . including Charlotte :) and your quince cake looks delicious. Your trees are turning! It was cold here today also!

    1. Charlotte does not have me to take pictures of her anymore, so I am glad to get something from her. The cake was really yummy. Yes, all of a sudden it is cold and looks like fall. We have a frost advisory for tonight!

    2. Yes, but the girls had covered all sensitive plants (or took them inside) so that nothing happened to them.

    3. Oh, good! I remember my mom taking her geranium plants in from the outside window boxes and replanting them into individual pots for her indoor windowsills. Then she would always move the plants down onto the floor for the cold winter nights! I remember finding frost on the windows in the morning and the sun slowly melting it onto the sill (these windows faced south). We would often have to mop up the water with a towel. Winters seemed colder in those years. I think this area is warmer now.


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