Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Vet Appointment/Tierarztbesuch

Today, we all ventured out for the first time again.  We had to take Leo for a vaccination appointment with our vet.  Flora took these pictures while I was driving.  Flora and Miriam took turns entertaining Leo, who is not so keen on driving.  Peter was on campus and Veronika was home.  She later drove to ballet to help teach.

Heute sind wir alle zum ersten Mal wieder unter die Menschheit gekommen.  Leo mußte zur Tierärztin, um geimpft zu werden.  Flora hat fotografiert, während ich gefahren bin.  Flora und Miriam haben sich abgewechselt, Leo bei guter Laune zu halten, weil er nicht so gerne Auto fährt.  Peter war auf dem Campus und Veronika ist zu Hause geblieben, doch ist sie später zum Ballett gefahren, weil sie beim Unterrichten geholfen hat.

A bit blurry, but our goldenrod is really golden now!
Ein wenig verwackelt, aber unsere Goldrute blüht wirklich golden!

The old stonehouse
Das alte Steinhaus

Yesterday, Miriam and Flora baked these apple pies.
Gestern haben Miriam und Flora diese Apfelstrudel gebacken.

Two sweet and informative picture books we have read recently are The Animal Hedge (paid link) and Is This Panama (paid link), a migration story.  

Hier sind zwei schöne Bilderbücher, die wir neulich gelesen haben, doch gibt es sie nicht auf Deutsch.


  1. Ich habe in meinem Garten auch kanadische Goldrute! Sie blüht jetzt wunderschön, wenn ich es nicht vergesse mache ich die Tage ein Bild davon

    1. Ja, ich erinnere mich, daß Du sie pflanzen wolltest. Über ein Bild würde ich mich freuen :).

  2. The goldenrod is beautiful! And Leo looks cute riding in his carrier. Zuzu isn't a fan of riding in the car either . . especially if the road is bumpy. Your girls bake such delicious looking pastries :) The books look very nice.

    1. We have a lot of goldenrod this year! Very pretty, but almost done blooming. Leo gets very loud and upset in his carrier. At least he has not thrown up. I wish he would just sleep, but he does not. The books were great finds at the library. All girls love to bake :).

    2. :) My friend's cat always get a little sick. She's tried a light sedative that the Vet gave her which helps the cat stay calm, but she still throws up a little.

    3. I would not even know what to give to a cat to keep him sedated. Maybe I should ask next time we go there. I always feel so sorry when a cat is distressed.

    4. I don't know much about it and am leery of giving it to my cats, but I guess it could be very helpful.

    5. One of the cat rescuers that I follow just wrote that she uses it for one of her cats to help them at the vet . . it's also possible that he might grow accustomed to the drives? Good luck with it xoxo

    6. He might get used to them, but he also might get worse. Julius and Kai were fine at the beginning, but then they got worse and worse.

    7. (sigh) That is difficult to get through. Here's the Petco websiteabout Gabapentin. Maybe it's worth a try for you.

    8. P.S. I hope I did the hyperlink correctly :P

    9. Thanks for the link. This is so funny! The neurologist I saw for my jaw pain prescribed the same medicine for me. I tried it, but it made me very tired and did not do much for the pain. I still have it. He told me that he gives it to his dog for back pain.

    10. Oh, that is funny! But your jaw is better lately? Or does the pain come and go? I have sciatica in my right leg that comes and goes. I notice it often depends on how I sit when at the desk or the table . . or on the bed or floor . .

    11. No, it stays the same. I have good and bad days, but the pain never leaves me. The chiropractor I am seeing for my neck pain has been trying to relax the muscles where the dentists did their damage, but he thinks the jaw disc probably got damaged. There is not much you can do. Oh, I do think that posture has a lot to do with pain. The TMJ specialist in Buffalo checked me for that, but that is not my problem. It is simply bad dental work and advice.


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