Saturday, September 14, 2024

More September Pictures/Noch mehr September Fotos

This was our plum cake from last Sunday.  For tomorrow, Veronika baked another plum cake and I will post a picture of that one tomorrow.
Das hier war der Pflaumenkuchen von letztem Sonntag.  Für den morgigen Sonntag hat Veronika einen neuen Pflaumenkuchen gebacken und den fotografiere ich dann morgen.

Flora took these pictures of the rising sun.
Flora hat diese Fotos vom Sonnenaufgang gemacht.

And yesterday, we had our London honors student fire again.  This year, for the first time, there is a young woman, whose parents were London students with us many years ago!  I guess we are getting old.
Und gestern gab es ein Feuer mit den Londonstudenten.  Dieses Jahr ist eine junge Frau dabei, deren Eltern vor vielen Jahren als Studenten in unserer Londongruppe waren.  Wir scheinen wirklich sehr alt zu sein.


  1. I loved that story about the ‘baby’ of your London students now getting to travel with you next year 🩷. How are you doing Eva? I hope you are making good progress on the post covid recovery front. I was chatting with Pip about your trip next year and her first words were ‘ it will be lovely to meet them again.’ Here’s hoping I can pull it off with my own health 🙏🙂

    1. Isn't that strange? That was the group we took to London when Jonathan was six, Charlotte four, and Miriam one. Yes, we are doing much better, all of us. We have just all lost our voices a bit and I have twisted my neck. I need to see a chiropractor tomorrow. Oh, how sweet of Pip! I hope it will work out. Are you still in contact with that girl Pip met in her online school?

  2. How time goes by . . now you have young people joining you whose parents were students :) It may feel strange, but it's certainly a nice compliment! The fire looks cozy and enticing, and the plum cake looks delicious! (And lovely photos Flora!)

    1. We do feel old, but those students are the same age as Veronika . . . I love baking plum cakes in the fall. Flora likes to take pretty nature pictures.


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