Monday, September 23, 2024

Chapel in Castle/Schloßkapelle

Peter sent these pictures this morning.  This is the chapel in Miriam's classroom building, the old castle.  He ventured to the pharmacy to buy a tick vaccine for Miriam.  Then he walked over to the local doctor's office to make an appointment for her to have the vaccine administered on Wednesday.  European tick bites can cause encephalitis and we thought it would be better for Miriam to get that vaccine.  Peter did all this in German while Miriam was attending her orientation for new students.

Peter hat diese Fotos heute morgen geschickt.  Das ist die Schloßkapelle in der Uni.  Er hat seinen Vormittag damit verbracht, Zeckenimpfstoff für Miriam in der Apotheke zu kaufen und ist dann zum Dorfarzt marschiert, um einen Termin für die Zeckenimpfung für Miriam zu machen.  Alles auf Deutsch natürlich!  

My day was very full and I really need to sleep now.  
Mein Tag war bis zum Rand gefüllt und jetzt muß ich ins Bett!


  1. That chapel is just stunning. I hope today is less full and that you manage some quiet time in between all the work xx

    1. It must me neat to have a chapel like that in your "classroom building." Less full? Not really. We did our regular homeschooling until 11:00 a.m. Then I went over to campus to teach, came back, and cooked a soup for lunch. We ate and Flora left or her drama class. I did some laundry and took a nap. Now I am waiting for Flora to come home. Then we will do a science experiment. Veronika will have her online French class. After that, we will be driving to ballet until 6:30 p.m. I will do the grocery shopping while the girls dance and prepare a German exam for tomorrow. We will come back home, have supper, read some German literature, and then I will go onto campus to print out my exams for tomorrow. Eventually, I will go to bed :). But I am happy to report that my neck is doing better! Such a relief!

  2. Your day sounds utterly bonkers!!!! Thank goodness your neck is better though xxxx

    1. It was, but it is partly due to the fact that I have to do all of the regular things on my own (ballet driving, groceries, printing things out for students, etc.). Once Peter is back, we can share things more equally.

    2. Yes I thought that was the case 🩷. It’s Wednesday already how did that happen?!! I’ve finally put up a blog post 🙂

    3. I saw that you published something, but have not had a chance to check it out. I will do so tomorrow. That will be a treat!


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