Saturday, August 3, 2024

Off to D.C./Ausflug nach Washington

Peter took Jonathan to the airport today: He is flying to D.C. for a seminar.
Peter hat Jonathan zum Flughafen gebracht: Er fliegt nach Washington, um an einem Seminar teilzunehmen.


  1. This photo is so poignant with Papa there to help get the suitcase in the car and Flora's head in the foreground . . sisters waiting to wave good-bye . . The leave taking never gets any easier LOL :) xo

    1. True! For Flora it is always hard to see her siblings leave, but they are all sad when somebody is gone again.

    2. I remember so clearly when my sister when off to college . . how I missed her! But my mom and I did a lot together. Yesterday, I was reminiscing about how we would visit our local county park in the summer to swim and ride a tandem bicycle they would rent out. Nice memories :)

    3. You mother must have noticed how hard it was for you. How wonderful she came up with great activities to do!


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